Hi jimrb67,

I have give a infos here
http://forum.giga-byte.co.uk/index.php/topic,8019.msg63695.html#msg63695But I continue here, in this post. Because is more clear to understand your situation.
Please continue here , in this Topic... Thanks...
So I check in the manual of your motherboard - mb_manual_ga-p55a-ud4(p)_v2.0_e.pdf :
http://download.gigabyte.us/FileList/Manual/mb_manual_ga-p55a-ud4%28p%29_v2.0_e.pdfYou have NEC D720200F1
http://www.pcstats.com/articleimages/201001/GBTGAP55AUD4P_d.jpghttp://documentation.renesas.com/doc/DocumentServer/S19784EJ2V0PB00.pdfGeneral infos for helper members:
http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/358875010/IC_UPD720200F1_DAK_UPD720200F1_UPD720200F_UPD720200_.jpghttp://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/485306895/_IC_UPD720200F1_DAK_A.jpghttp://detail.china.alibaba.com/buyer/offerdetail/963752052.html ( 6000 yen equal 60 Euro for I pack of 1200 circuits)

It's expensive to make (
or to buy) a motherboard.
I add a Block Diagram picture...
Running Windows 7 Professional
What is the type of Windows... x64 or X32bit ?
About install of Firmware:
Normaly for install, he exist this procedure:
1. Disconnect all USB devices connected with the USB3.0 ports.
2. Execute "The file for update or change firmware".
3. Show the License Agreement. If you accept all the terms of the
preceding License Agreement, please select "I accept".
4. Show the precaustions. Please check all items.
5. Press "Update" or ''Install'' button.
6. After updating or install, let you restart the computer.
7. Confirm FW Version.
On the Start menu, click All Programs, RENESAS Electronics,
USB3.0 Host Controller Driver, and then USB3.0 Hsot Controller Utility.
8. Show USB3.0 Host Controller Information. If "Firmware Version" is ''Number of version choose'',
you succeed in updating FW.
So read a Release Note or Readme Note about your version of Firmware
About Amperage in USB3.0 :
Extract :
Standard USB 2.0 ports are limited to 500mA maximum load, and the USB 3.0 specification increases this to 900mA. On the Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD4P motherboard both of these values are increased, so more devices or things like external hard drives can be powered by the USB ports alone.
USB2.0 power levels increase from 500mA to 1500mA, and USB 3.0 power levels are bumped up from 900mA to a maximum 2700mA. This isn't going to change the performance of any USB device, but it will stop some especially power hungry things like external 2.5 inch hard drive enclosures from conking out unexpectedly and increase overall system stability if you use a lot of USB devices (and who doesn't?).
Source :
http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=2495Other note:
When dual graphics cards are used in 1st and 2nd PCIex16 slots, SATA3 / USB 3.0 (Marvell 9128 /NEC USB 3.0 Controllers) will work at normal mode.
Other infos (for understands general situation about USB3 :