Hi S-F,

I find this doc about your memory...
http://www.patriotmemory.com/products/specs/PSD38G1600K.pdfHere I check if the ram is recommended for your motherboard ... Yes ....
http://www.patriotmemory.com/configurator/morepartsp.jsp?catid=6569&mfrid=781&modelid=1124968&tab=rPatriot Memory Installation Guide
http://www.patriotmemory.com/support/installp.jsp(Just for help you ... if you want... I do not have infos about your experience...
Have you posibility to go to store and change your ram for another same kit... but try it on store place. In your computer... Why not?
Have you tried again a clear cmos?
Of course if you have not a positive boot result with Ram after Testing with Memtest...
I speak about after you have make a test with Memtest, if not detect a problem,
so I assume you reboot system... and if at this moment, you have not a good boot... hang...
Tried a boot with a
one stick of Ram... check if is good or no....
I suggest clear cmos...
I suggest you apply the following instructions (quote from Dark Mantis) ...
Try clearing the CMOS before installing the GPU. follow these instructions exactly.
Remove the power cable from the mains supply and then press the power switch on the case for a few seconds just to drain any residual energy in the PSU capacitors.
Once done remove the motherboard battery for at least one hour before replacing it.
Next plug back into the mains supply and boot.
You will now need to enter the BIOS by pressing DEL and load Optimised BIOS Defaults.
Make any other changes to the BIOS settings to suit your self like disabling the floppy drive, disabling the full screen logo and making the HDD the primary boot device and then press F10 to save and exit.
About BSOD
Have you more infos about it...
maybe take a picture by Telephon, Cellular or camera...
and give us a link here...
About Live CD with Linux system..
Maybe test a Live CD or DVD with linux...
Check if you have a same problem...
About Bios
What is your Bios Version?
Because is not good idea to install a Beta Bios like a F4B...
http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3963#biosIs just a question... I do not ask to you ... Flash a Bios... now... do not make this now... wait after other tests or change ...
But give us a infos about your bios version...
Have you make a manually changes (before or after clear cmos (if you make it...)) in the BIOS... ?
Because the Patriot Signature lines (your model) are designed to be complete plug and play with no settings needed.
But the motherboard may override this timing and choose to set something else.
The normal setting are 1600 9-9-9-24
But when i read a GB Memory QVL:
http://download.gigabyte.eu/FileList/Memory/mb_memory_ga-h61n-usb3.pdfI find Model Name: H61N-USB3 DDR3 1600 (
downgrade to DDR3 1333)
Otherwise you may need to relax the timings to 1333.
dram voltage 1.5v
Maybe check in the Advanced Memory Settings Section in the BIOS.
Manual page 37
http://download.gigabyte.us/FileList/Manual/mb_manual_ga-h61n-usb3_e.pdfWhat is the value for
QPI voltage, and
cpu voltage
See page 39 on manual.
Have you tried other stict of ram from another Brands?
Maybe by a friend or in shop place...?
About CPU and HeatSink
When you have installed a cpu on socket, you put a thermal paste, between cpu and heatsink? I assume yes, but I prefer verify...

Have you a Intel stock heatsink or other? If other, name it please.
Other thing, the pressure on the cpu by the heatsink have a importance on the system.
Because a cpu have a memory controller.
If the pressure is higher on one side of the cpu is not good.
We really need the pressure of the cooler is balanced on the cpu.
And also not too strong.
Sometimes you need release the pressure, while ensuring it is fully equal on every side.
For other
members helpers:=================
I have a idea, but I am not sure is good... in this Topic... (situation case)...
try increasing the dram voltage to 1.60 is good or no? Maybe this help or no?
Infos about chipset:
http://www.intel.com/content/dam/staging/image/Products/H61-block-diagram.gifthe Intel H61 Express Chipset enables 1 DIMM per channel of DDR3 1333 MHz.