Official GIGABYTE Forum

990FA-UD3 + RAID driver during W7 installation problem

990FA-UD3 + RAID driver during W7 installation problem
« on: January 27, 2012, 03:00:08 pm »
Can anyone give me a simple solution to install W7 on SSD while SATA running in RAID mode? I tryed to Load drivers from USB but it says that they are unsigned.. I also tryed to install Windows in AHCI mode and after updating all drivers in Windows changing SATA mode to RAID but then Windows doesn't boot cause it shows BSOD.

Help please, I bought Gigabyte mobo just because I didn't want to have any more problems with SSD but now I have more than on the old one...


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Re: 990FA-UD3 + RAID driver during W7 installation problem
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2012, 11:47:01 pm »
Hi there,

could you post back with a few more details about your build? How many drives are you using? How have you configured the system? Is the SSD part of the RAID Array or standalone drive?
Remember, when all else fails a cup of tea and a good swear will often help! It won't solve the problem but it will make you feel better.

Re: 990FA-UD3 + RAID driver during W7 installation problem
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2012, 12:04:53 am »
Thanks for reply. For now I want to run just the Windows on SSD in RAID mode. Other drives which would make array are disconnected. So I have just one drive.

I managed to install Windows: there was a problem with multiversion disk. I got one-version x64 install image and it loaded RAID drivers without any problem.
At first it installed well, Windows ran just like it should. But after some minutes I realized that I should make secureerase and install it on freshly formatted driver. That wasnt a good choice i see.

The second install didnt go nice. I got some read error while copying files but after some tryes it copyed all. But then I got 0x000..0F4 bsod. And now I'm here. I dont know where I should look for the error.
I bought new mobo just because I wanted to have SSD runned without any problems(except like on the old Asus where I couln't install widnows and i was getting F4 bsods each few minutes).

All for now. Next try tommorow, hope you'll help me.

Re: 990FA-UD3 + RAID driver during W7 installation problem
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2012, 02:30:26 pm »
I tryed almost every option but still I can't get it working.

I must have SATA enabled in RAID mode, cause I have RAID array. At first I just plugged in Agility 3 and set RAID.
It's impossible to install Windows 7 without frezzes/crashes/restarts/BSODs. I specify the newest RAID driver when installing so it detects my SSD and I can choose it for install, but it canno't finish it. It always frezzes or restart during installation in different stages. I need to manually restart computer few times to get it finished. Unfortunatly, it's not working normally even when, at least, I'm logged in Windows. It frezzes and sometimes doesn't boot.

Installation goes without any problem, but it often frezzes when I'm logged in. I see it's well know problem: the HDD light is on but it does nothing. I just need to wait about minute to unfreeze. So it's also unusable in this mode.

Please help me, because I'm loosing rest of hope to get it working... :(