« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2012, 08:54:32 am »
Sir Rolo .... what did I say about the inevitable argument ....
.... you are fun to have around!
- I'm not arguing; I just never got an answer to my question. I'm going to hold you to that second statement when you want, eventually, to install a power supply--at high velocity--into the back of my head.
I suspect that won't be necessary .... you've proved to me that you have an engineers mind how you pulled the quotes down like performing a fault find, and understand you're not arguing ...Just jousting......and if proved undeniably wrong .... will gladly supply you one in sterile glass or plastic ..... but can I have the container back please ?
This what I was talking about when stating , we need to put it in a language on the forum so most can comprehend ..... would you mind putting it into layman terms and explain what the Helicopter your talking about
- I'm not one for dumbing things down. If I am unclear, anyone can ask for clarification; it's how we learn from others' experiences. I'll not be so condescending to assume that I know another's ability to learn or comprehend better than they do. Besides, I included the light-bulb parallel (please tell me that wasn't over your head! Get it? You can't answer that without losing 'cos the light bulb-over-the-head represents ideas, thought...nyuk nyuk). Besides, my so-not-technical wife understood it. 
Generally.....people will not ask ! .... ego's you know.... Light bulbs! .... Yup! .... heard about those things, it's the vacuum tube statement I was referring too and how it ties into the friendly discussion ...... I have a not so technicial wife too ..... but she's English and knows absolutly everything 
you must be the god-dam-luckiest person I have ever had the pleasure to meet
- My biography would challenge that.
Mmmmmm ...Amazon?
It's a democracy buddy ..... no one has a problem on the forun if you post your beliefs ... as long as you don't mind reading ours....
- Beliefs? Oh, so this 'extended' clear does involve ritual sacrifice? .... Yes! .... But you use White Chickens only..... too many people think any chicken will do....instead of grasping on a single word ...... then hitting it with a 12 gauge ...... maybe we should be asking ourselves ..... OK! ... many people truly believe (for you ) ... Know (for the rest of us) that physically pushing a button (or shorting 2 pins) on occasions fails to have the designed effect ...... The first real lesson I learnt as a "In-gin-ear" was never assume! ..... this could be a UN-documented phenomenon ... just because we don't understand it entirely, or people can't explain it to fit into a pre-conceived model ......doesn't mean it cannot happen .... for all we know this could be generic to the Dual Bios on Giga boards ..... it could be static that comes into the final equation in combination of a 100 things
I would assert that any perceived experiences of the CMOS not clearing per its manual were due to operator error..... Assertion noted .... now although fun.....we will get jumped on if we continue to page after page in the wrong area ..... back to fixing less fortunates and putting your engineering brain and my black magic to work and fix some computers 
Your mate ... Aussie Allan 
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 08:57:45 am by Aussie Allan »

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