Official GIGABYTE Forum

POST hangs on code 62 for ~2 minutes

POST hangs on code 62 for ~2 minutes
« on: February 14, 2013, 03:03:27 pm »
I'm making a new thread because it might not be the same problem as discussed here:,9253.0.html

When my AMD 7950 PCI-E graphics card is installed in any of the PCI-E slots (I use the x16 slot) it causes the POST to take a little less than 2 full minutes, hanging on debug code 62 on the board display.  It briefly displays the graphical splash, then goes to a blinking, large font underscore at the top right.  After this time a message is shown along the lines of:
'no devices available, press *some key* to configure RAID'
If I can get a picture of it on my phone I will try.  After this I can enter the BIOS, flash another BIOS, boot my OS perfectly fine, etc.  The card is fully functional in both Linux and Windows (with basic preliminary testing), so it seems that there is just a hangup that has to time out before POST is over.

When I remove the 7950 and go with integrated graphics this doesn't happen.

I'm on BIOS F14, however I've tested the latest beta 15q with the same results. 

I've tried defaulting the BIOS settings, as well as trying to enable quick boot and use legacy VGA driver settings.  I may try a few more of those settings today.

I have also tried disconnecting all of my hard drives and peripherals (even keyboard, mouse), with no positive results.

I really need to have this resolved because I don't expect to spend this kind of money on a motherboard and have these kind of results.  This is my first foray into Gigabyte motherboards (from ASUS, Abit, and Asrock) and I must say this makes me want to look elsewhere next time I build a system.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 03:04:30 pm by kernelkurtz »

Re: POST hangs on code 62 for ~2 minutes
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2013, 04:53:55 pm »
More updates:

I tried playing around with fast boot settings (UEFI vs default, which uses legacy VGA drivers), disconnecting all of my hard drives, removing my PCI-E SSD, with no luck. I was able to enter the BIOS and flashing other BIOSes by hitting Delete or end, respectively, while the underscore flashes. Right before I enter the BIOS or boot I finally noticed a large font, barely readable message that says something like 'no devices available, press *some key* to configure RAID' or something to that nature. This leads me to believe that POST is waiting on some sort of RAID device enumeration before finishing. I guess that will be my next place to look for pertaining BIOS settings.

If anyone has any bright ideas let me know. As of know I have a fully functionaly system, though it takes a little less than 2 full minutes to POST

Also if anyone has a flow chart on the POST process of this board (or chipset) that would be great for troubleshooting....not sure what is being checked in POST after code 62. If it simply increments the hex value the next is 63 - CPU DXE Initialization Started according to the manual.


I tried playing with the CSM settings. I disabled CSM, tried setting things to legacy instead of UEFI, no luck. Disabling CSM actually caused POST to hang on E6 (IIRC). I tried disabling PCH Network Controller (Intel one). I didn't tried disabling the Marvell one yet, so I'll give that a shot when I feel like wasting more time on this.

Re: POST hangs on code 62 for ~2 minutes
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2013, 02:25:01 pm »
Well I 'fixed' my problem with the 1 minute post using a VGA in the PCI-E slots(s).  As I suspected initially, the culprit was the combination of 3 things:
PCI-E OCZ Revodrive in the bottom PCI-E slot
VGA in the top 16x slot
Init display first BIOS setting reverting after setting it in the BIOS, saving, and restarting. 

It looks like that setting simply does not work for some reason.  When the BIOS detects a VGA in the PCI-E slot it begins checking all PCI-E slots, and hangs on the SSD.  Apparently it is timing out after a minute or so, then finishing POST.  The SSD is completely fine in the same slot when there is no VGA installed.  I cleared the CMOS with the PSU switch off, switched to the second BIOS, repeated, switched back to the first, then I moved the SSD to the middle PCI-E slot and it could POST.  I checked the 'Init display first' option after trying to set it again on a successful, normal POST and it reverted back to 'normal'.  So now I can POST in a normal amount of time.