I had problems with my new motherboard - gigabyte ex-58-ud5 . When i attempted to boot it, it powered up for a second and then shut down and then just repeated this cycle. I checked the power connections and that both the ram and cpu are seated correctly. I tried a different psu, and putting only 1 stick of ram in, either slots 1 or 3 as described in the manual. I tried different memory also. I also tried a different graphics card and checked it's power connection. I returned to board to my retailer for testing and they informed me that there are a number of pins bent on the cpu socket

and they could not repair it under warranty

I installed the cpu very carefully, following the instructions in the user manual - although i have built a dozen or so pc's over the years, so i'm not exactly new to this. It is possible that i could have done it during installation, but the cpu is idiot proof with notches so it can't be installed the wrong way!!!! They suggested contacting gigabyte to see if it could be repaired. I emailed customer support on the 2/11/9 but no reply, is there a direct telephone number i can ring, and do you think it would be possible to repair the board or am i going to have to cut my losses and get a new board ? any help greatly appreciated