I request that anyone know of a link that has what these Phase light combinations mean please post that link. It's not in the manual.
I'm troubleshooting this comp that won't boot. The monitors get no signal, whether using onboard, or either of my 2 video cards. The CPU fan does NOT turn on, but does of course when it boots properly so I'm ruling overheating out. This problem has been intermittent, only happening after being idle for 3+ hours and shutting itself off. Upon reboot the external fans come on so the PSU is supplying power but no signal gets to monitor.
16 G 1600mhz RAM
i5-2500 Intel CPU
Big Zalman CPU cooler fan
4 SATA Hard Drives, only one used at a time (I'm a backup freak. I hate downtime..

Radeon 6870 normally,
have Radeon 6950 as backup
Have switched out RAM, video cards, everything but CPU. But as monitors aren't even showing BIOS and CPU/CPU fan has worked and not changed since I built it last April, I really don't think the CPU went out. I want to know what the PHASE_LED light combos are as the bottom one is green and top stays red whenever it doesn't boot. Which as of now is always. It's either dead or dying I want to know for sure before I replace or RMA.
Thanks for any and all help,