« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2012, 03:36:14 am »
It also depends on what kit you got they go from 1.35 to 1.65. Some you have to OC to get to the 1600 so it would be 1.65, If you have a kit that calls for 1.5 then you need to do as mantis says and run memtest.
Different Motherboard but i run 16 gigs at 1600 at 1.5 but they also will go to 1866 and higher levels if i put voltage at 1.65

GA-Z170X-UD5,Core i5-6600K,16 GIG,3200 ram ,2 X Corsair 240GB SATA III SSD, 500 gig HD,7 ult 64\, Rx-480 8gig\
Z97X-SOC GIGABYTE, I5 4670k, 16 gig 1600 ram, 240 gig sata3 SSD,1x 500HD/ R9 280x, corsair 650 RM PSU
GA-Z97X-Gaming G1,850 corsair,,DDR4 3200,240SSd,6950 video,850EVA