I ve had Hiper PSU-s , they are not great.
Overrated by at least 50W ,poor soldering ,cheap capacitors that go out after 2 year or so ,bad rail design and so on.
I ve had some years ago a Hiper 400 then after one year it died ,got a new replacement and didn t work even new from day one.Dismantled it ,repaired it ,had a soldering short ,then after 2 years i ve replaced one capacitor.It works but i wouldn t call them reliable and i wouldn t use them with high end parts.The 12V rail is always under the minimum allowed
You should swap for something else and see what happens.
Barrow a 600W PSU from a friend (Corsair, Chieftec, Sirtec ,Seasonic and so on) and see if the issue continues.