Just wondering if you found an answer to your problem? I am having the same random problem. Sometimes I can go for 30 hours without an event and then I can get the event several times withing a few hours. I have one stick 4GB PC3-10666 extreme performance in the computer. Today I set bios dram voltage up to 1.55. Stock was 1.50.
I have read so many, many internet examples of people having the same crash problems.
My computer just stops working. Screen stays frozen with whatever was on it at the time of the event, clock stops, keyboard is not responsive, mouse is not responsive.
Re-installed WIN7
I have seen a lot of references about setting the voltage higher solved crash/freeze issues. Did it work for your latest problem?
Hi All
Late last year I posted about how this PC repeatedly froze ~ Please see here http://forum.giga-byte.co.uk/index.php/topic,5073.30.html
Well as indicated in that thread the advice from DM and others especially lsdmeasap I got it under control........................yes it still happened but vary rarely by comparison.
Well I recently doubled the RAM from 8GB to 16GB with an exact repeat of the G-Skill RAM to avoid mixed compatibility issues, however I have now seen a return of the freeze events!!!! They are not as frequent as at the beginning mentioned in the earlier thread linked above but are annoying 
So rather than post to the old thread I thought it best to start afresh with the question:-
When doubling the RAM and getting the freeze event described on the face of it I clearly need to increase some voltage settings but which ones for appropriate effect and by how much?
Last time I made the vCore a fixed number @ 1.22v and the DRAM voltage to 1.52v, so as the DRAM setting range is 1.50 to 1.55v what voltage changes after doubling the RAM should I use now??? And should the vCore be altered in relationship to any further changes to the DRAM changes???
Many thanks in advance the feedback & insight