Hi , I hope someone can help me.
This is the configuration:
Core i3 540 (Clarkdale) Dual Core 3,06 Ghz socket LGA 1156
MB Gygabyte GA-H55M-USB3.
4 Gb RAM (2xGB)
SSD 30 Gb.
2 HD( 1Tera each one ) raid 0.
After one year of well function, one month ago my desktop switch down without any allarm (temperature and any other issue). I have changed PSU with one more capable ( 600 watt) , but at the first time I had the same trouble. After switch off it didn't restart. I tried to disconnect everything, memory, HD and so on. After a lots of different configuration, the system start without unexpected switch off.
From yesterday I have the same problem, the system switch off during a normal functional season, and It's impossible to start again. PSU is working, I tried to start without MB command and it's start.
In this situation the system can not start, but after some times after removing/inserting ATX connector the leds on MB flashed and the system start but after some minutes, in this intervall I tried to change settings of BIOS, but the system switch off again...
I can not understand why after switch off then MB doesn't start, I pushed the button but nothing start!!!!
Pleas help, I think the main problem is the MB...!!!

Thanks in advance for your help, Andrea.