Official GIGABYTE Forum

TMPIN2 or possibly gtx570 hd overheating issue

TMPIN2 or possibly gtx570 hd overheating issue
« on: July 03, 2012, 02:00:50 am »

Sorry for the long post! I recently built my first rig and I'm having trouble with either the video card or the motherboard, I am unsure of which.  Long story short, I installed w7 sp1 on this system:

EVGA GeForce GTX570 HD
16 gb corsair vengeance RAM
Core i5 2500k
Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3
ModStream Pro 700w modular PSU
OCZ SSD 120gb

Worked fine for a day or two playing Star Wars: The Old Republic.  Bought and installed Diablo 3 and issues began with the computer resetting itself. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the reset, it could happen after 2 minutes or 2 hours. It is also sometimes followed by a buzz, screen flicker, or both.  In the event log I found this critical:

The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly. Event ID 41.

I also began to get this error:

Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered

So I shut off the auto reset and ended up getting BSOD one time.  Thinking the GPU must be overheating or the drivers were bad, i uninstalled/reinstalled the drivers using the custom --> clean install method. Also downloaded MSI afterburner and increased the fan speed from 40% to 60%.  Just to cover all bases, I also updated to the 301.42 drivers for the GPU and updated the mobo's BIOS via @BIOS.  Here is my most recent HW monitor report after playing SW:TOR for a a little over an hour and getting the teeth-grinding buzz that forewarned of a black screen and shut down:

It seems to me that both the TMPIN2 (especially) and the GPU seem high to me. Are these two even connected? I'm kinda new with limited tech experience, I'm not sure what TMPIN2 actually shows, I gather its the CPU, but the temps shown for the CPU itself look within acceptable range. Anyone have any ideas of what could be causing this?  It only happens when I play games, which is why I think it is the GPU.  I've streamed hours of show through netflix with no problems and have surfed the web without any issues at all...