My disk setup is 2 x 2tb drives on Intel ports 0 and 1 and BD drive on port 5 bios is F10
When I first [this first] installed 7x64, I had the intel sata ports set to ide mode [chasing bsod on resume problem] and when I got to the screen where setup asks for which disk to install to, I deleted all current partitions so I had just disk 0 and 1 to choose from, chose disk 0 and continued the install.
Then checked for my bsod on resume from sleep - all ok
Then went on to chase the clock problem for C-BuZz [another thread] and at some stage, I reset cmos and loaded optimised defaults.
When windows booted to the desktop, I noticed that it was installing drivers
I clicked on the message to see what drivers it was intalling and it was hdd port drivers.
After puzzling for a moment as to why this was happening, I realised that it was because I had reset cmos and the default for the sata ports is ahci mode.
That was all fine, until I went to do a fresh install of 7x64 and when I arrived at the 'choose a disk' screen, I noticed that it was showing disk 0 as empty with no partitions and disk 1 was the partitioned disk holding my currrent OS - huh!!
So I cancelled the install and let windows boot to the desktop, called up disk management and sure enough, it showed the same thing - disk 0 unallocated and disk 1 as system.
So I restarted and went back to bios to set the ports back to ide mode, restarted and booted from the 7x64 dvd and now at 'choose a disk' screen, it showed what I was expecting in the first place - disk 0 as partitioned and in use and disk 1 as empty.
I'm not sure if this is normal behavior or not, or even if it's anything worth worring about, but one would expect the disk connected to port 0 to always show as disk 0 regardless of ahci or ide mode.
Maybe this is a fix in bios F11