Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-P67A-UD5-B3 Random freezing


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GA-P67A-UD5-B3 Random freezing
« on: July 17, 2012, 10:14:57 pm »
To begin my system specs:
Gigabyte GA-P67A-UD5-B3 P67 Socket 1155
Intel Core i7 2600 Processor LGA1155 3.4GHz CPU
Corsair Vengeance CMZ8GX3M2A1600C8 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3
Gigabyte GTX560 OC 1G GDDR5 PCIE DualLink DVI
OCZ Agility3 240gb SSD
other random HDD's

Ok So for a while now my system freezes randomly. It may be during idle or during copying files from one hdd to another. It may be after 5min system uptime or after 5 hours. It is completely random (as far as I can tell).
It occurs on any operating system (Windows, OSX, Linux)

I have performed memtest and that came up all good. I have performed tests on all HDD's and they are fine. Which makes me think it must either be motherboard or PSU related. I know its not the GPU as now work has been done since the time of freeze (I am usually downloading files).

Anyone have any experience with this? random googling showed up a few other cases of this motherboard freezing. But Since I am in my final semester of Uni I cant really afford to have no motherboard for several weeks on RMA.