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X79 UD5 Mofset (I think) Question


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X79 UD5 Mofset (I think) Question
« on: July 31, 2012, 06:10:02 am »
Currently running 3930 @ 4.5Ghz at 1.36v

after 1 hour latest version prime 95 CPU 77c and other temps look fine according to sensors.

I have one question regarding this pictures

The twelve square blocks in from of the blue heatsink - what are they. Ran a temp guage after 2 hrs prime 95 and they were over 100c

I've added a fan pointed directly at them which has dropped it to about 95c.

What are these components? Should I heatsink them? Are they conductive? I mean can I just run one heatsink straight across or do I need 12 small individual ones.

Any help much appreciated


Intel 3930k @3.4Ghz; 16GB Corsair 2133 @ 2133 9-10-10-22 ; 2 x Gigabyte GTX 680 SLI; Corsair H100 cooling; Case - Thernaltke Chaser; Corsiar 1200w Power