Official GIGABYTE Forum


« on: September 05, 2012, 01:00:02 am »
Hi All,

Looking for comments on this board. I owned a N650SLI-DS4 board, lost dual channel memory on that board but it was rock solid. Now I'm thinking about getting this board. I really wasn't thrilled with Gigabyte using Via chipsets (had bad luck awhile back) so I ended up with an Asus P877-V LK board. Some things while minor on that board annoy me such as a flashing LED power light while in sleep mode, LED lights which are a bit dimmer, and a few less USB ports (with two less SATA ports). The board also feels a bit thinner with only 6 screws holding the motherboard but I am comparing it to a board which is 5 years old. I also had problems where my C2D on the N650SLI-DS4 was reading 23C min and 30 max, where this Asus P877-V LK board with a i5-3570k is reading min 32C and 60C max. I had an old Asus back in the Athlon XP days and it was problematic with the core temps as well. Does this board still have sleep mode which doesn't light up the LED lights? Any insight will be helpful.


Re: GA-Z77X-D3H
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2012, 01:13:24 am »
npolite. I have the post before yours. I have to say I am not impressed. I have many year building my own machines. This is the first to give me problems straight off.

Re: GA-Z77X-D3H
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 11:17:06 pm »
Could someone who has this board also let me know when in sleep mode (S3), if the LED power light still does not blink? The Asus does and it is annoying as hell.