not even a change to start install of OS, even shut down when in bios options. some times shut down directly after start. Some times after 30 seconds.
changed gfx card (Gigabyte GTX 260 to MSI 8800GT).
changed dimm slot/ removed dimm /replaced dimm (YES IT IS IN THE VQL)
removed any "unnecessary" stuff. No changes when trying it only with HDD/GFX/DVD/Keyboard
removed CMOS chip several times for longer time period.
psu (beQuiet p7) and gfx card work fine on other computer with p35-ds3 (rev2).
Bios Version F3....
seems same issue like first revision p35 boards
using gigabyte boards since my Intel Celeron 400Mhz, never had any issues.
How many weeks does Gigabyte usually takes to replace a mainboard, if replacement is required in this case?