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GA-EX58-UD5P Won't Boot


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GA-EX58-UD5P Won't Boot
« on: December 11, 2009, 07:15:32 am »

I built this myself and it has been running without issue for 5 months:

GA-EX58-UD5P bios F6
Vista Ultimate 64 bit
4 Seagate SATA drives (No RAID)
i7 920
Radeon 4870

Within ten seconds, the power went out at the house twice, for a couple seconds each time.
Now the computer will not boot.

Boot gets as far as Verifying DMI Pool, then asks,
"Boot from CD/DVD:
Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter"

I insert the Vista Ultimate 64 disk and it gives me the options to load Safe, Last Good Configuration, etc.
None of the options really work.
Last Good Config will get me the blue-green sea colored screen and over-sized cursor. After a few minutes, the screen prompts me to start reinstalling Vista (yikes!).
Safe Mode gets me a black screen with Safe Mode written at all four corners. Eventually, it too, prompts to reinstall.

I go to Boot menu (F12).
Hard Disk is the only item in the list that has a plus sign next to it. I highlight it, > Enter and it says,

"Select a Boot First device" and below that is
"Bootable Add-in Cards", which is highlighted blue (I'm an intermediate, never heard of that one before).
That's all that's listed on that particular screen, no other kinds of drives.

I go to Bios (Del).
In CMOS Settings, all IDE Channels (0-5, Master and Slave) have [None] next to them except for Channel 2, which displays name of my CD/DVD writer.
Going into each of the channels shows all zeros for Capacity, Cylinder etc. Shouldn't I see some details here that reflect my drives, how big they are, etc? Feels like a ghost town.

Next, Advanced Bios Features.
Top of the list is "Hard Disk Boot Priority   [Press Enter]" > There's "Bootable Add-in Cards" again (no I don't have any such). It is highlighted in red and its the only thing on the list - I leave it alone and back out.

Next in list is "First Boot Device  [Hard Disk] > Here there is a long list (Floppy, CD Rom, etc) and Hard Drive is the one that is check marked.

Now I'm stumped. I don't get into Bios very often, but seems that somewhere it should show details of my drives and that would be in Advanced Bios, right?

I'm very nervous, my video projects are on other drives, but obviously OS, programs and important other stuff is on C, any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  ???



« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 07:16:48 am by philbu »


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Re: GA-EX58-UD5P Won't Boot
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2009, 11:16:01 am »
Boot from the Vista cd, enter your language etc. Go to repair in bottom left corner, then select command prompt. It should say something like X:\sources somethingsomething. You need to change this to the C: drive (or whatever drive/partition you have your vista installed), to do this you need to type C: then hit enter, then type chkdsk /r and press enter. It will ask you if you want to dismount the volume, press y. Then let that go and see what happens
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