I filed this with tech support in Taiwan and pray they have an solution so I don't have to return this mobo and start all over again *sigh* 
I'm trying to RAID0(stripe) these new drives from a new Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 install DVD. The 2 SSD's are plugged into SATA0 & SATA1 position (I also tried SATA0 & SATA2 positioned), the DVD Drive is SATA5. The Bios is configured to use SATA0-03 for RAID, and SATA4-5 for IDE.
Chapter 4 Appendix of your manual says to press Ctrl-F to enter RAID Option ROM Utility - but no such option in the bios exists. later your manual says B. Installing Windows 7/Vista: that the RAID driver for Windows 64-bit: BootDrv/SBxxxW7/RAID/W76A however when the Windows 7 install option "Hide Drivers that are not compatible with this hardware on this computer" is check marked, no driver is listed, when I uncheck it I see the same driver listed 3 times and a console driver. when i try any of these four entries the "extend" option to create the raid between the two drives clearly listed is not available. I tried both the files on your included CD Disk, and the latest files from your Website on a USB drive, and neither set were acceptable.
I don't know if this is relevant, but I'll include other install attempts;
It's worth noting that I tried installing Windows 7 Ultimate SR1 to a single 128GB SDD on the AHCI and on IDE/SCSI and both worked without any drivers or problems. It's worth noting that when I tried to convert the IDE install to AHCI your mobo would not accept the simple registry fix that should allow you to migrate a IDE installed Windows 7 to work on an AHCI bus. It's worth noting that a fresh Windows XP Pro SR3 install to your IDE bus worked, but when I attempted a fresh install of Windows XP Pro SR3 to ADHI the SDD disk would not boot on it's own with or without an offset partition.
Clearly this motherboard/bios does not offer the range of support one would expect in 2012, however if I can get the RAID0 to work with your guidance, then maybe I will keep the board. It's only the RAID0/AHCI between these two drives that has me disappointed with your instructions and/or product, and regretting my purchase as affordable RAID0 was the main reason I bought your product. Please don't waste my time with a Teir-1 tech going through a checklist, as I've already tried everything possible from your documentation and web sight, so only a Teir-3 person can save me now.
Model Name : GA-78LMT-S2P (rev. 5.0)
M/B Rev : 5.0
BIOS Ver : F2
Serial No. :
Purchase Dealer : CompUSA/TigerDirect
VGA Brand : Nvidia Model : 9500gt
CPU Brand : AMD Model : Phenom II X4 965 Speed : 3.4GHz
Operation System : Win 7 64-bit SP : 1
Memory Brand : Samsung Type : DDR3
Memory Size : 2x4 Speed : 1600
Power Supply : 420 W
Other Details: two OCZ Agility 4 128GB SDD updated to 1.52 latest firmware.