Official GIGABYTE Forum

gfx card problem w/ 27" 2560x1440 monitors

gfx card problem w/ 27" 2560x1440 monitors
« on: January 18, 2013, 12:13:21 pm »
I’ve spoken to Gigabyte Tech Support, not much help really.  I’m hoping for some feedback to figure out my best move.

I own:
-   Gigabyte Radeon HD 6870 1GB Overclock Edition Card.  Model #:  GV-R687OC-1GD
-   Asus P55 mobo w/ an i3 CPU.

I purchased:
-   Two Shimian 27” QH270-Lite Monitors (QHD 2560x1440 resolution).  Each monitor requires Dual-Link DVI-D connections.

Problem:  I cannot get both monitors to work on the card (simultaneously).  One monitor will output no problem on the top DVI-D output port (next to the HDMI/minidisplay ports).  I believe it is because the card only has a single DVI-I output and a single DVI-D output and the monitors each require a DVI-D output.

I need suggestions on how to work around this problem.  The card previously supposed two 1920 x 1080 monitors without an issue.  

-   I could buy an adapter that converts the DVI-D monitor to HDMI or mini displayport.  This requires an ‘active’ adapter to handle 2560x1440 and that’s extremely expensive, so if anyone knows a cheap way to do this, that would be helpful.
-   I could buy a different graphics card.  Any suggestions are welcome.
-   I could buy a second graphics card (my mobo accepts 2 cards in crossfire scheme).

I don’t really game much, so pls don’t reply to this and tell me I need an i7-whatever-ultra mobo, etc.