Title says it. I constantly get worried about the temperatures that my GPU gives and it's not normal.
Probably ya'll be saying that change the thermal paste that has dried or clean the dust in the fan ways.
Opened it up, everything nice and clean, added Arctic Silver thermal paste, still running high temps.
I thought the reason might be the PSU, minimum needs are 550W that I have so must not be that.
IDLE: 67-72cel. CRAZY.
INGAME: 92-105cel. horrible.. (Battlefield 3 Mid-High settings, COD4 max settings.)
PC details:
CPU: Intel E8400 (oc to 3.6ghz per core, not the reason of overheat

PSU: Corsair WX550W
RAM: 4*2GB DDR2 Kingston (2 are 400mhz and 2 are 333mhz)
Questions and suggestions are welcome

Uncle suggested BIOS firmware upgrade, no help there.