Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: GeorgeGR on October 19, 2012, 06:18:04 pm

Title: Unexpected Interrupt - Halting - CPU or MB Problem?
Post by: GeorgeGR on October 19, 2012, 06:18:04 pm

I have the  GA-EX58-UD4P (rev. 1.0) (BIOS beta F14o). For 3 years, all worked fine. Yesterday i conected an old USB Wireless Card to the motherboard to connect to my router for internet ( and windows failed to install the device with the internal drivers. So i put a usb flash with the drivers in another usb port. After 10 seconds my windows showed me a Blue Screen with some errors. I switched of my PC, disconnected all devices (Wireless card and usb flash) and on restart the bootloader says me that the Hal.dll is missing. When i put the VISTA DVD-ROM to enter the recovery console and restart the PC, the PC sayed me that an another file is missing. I restart again my PC with booting from CD-ROM again and the same problem happens.

I restart again my PC with the Memtest CD-ROM inside and run the MemTest and the result is "Unexpected Interrupt - Halting". See the attached image for details. My PC parts are posted in my signature.

Please help me, what is this problem and how it is created? How can i fix it?

Title: Re: Unexpected Interrupt - Halting - CPU or MB Problem?
Post by: GeorgeGR on October 23, 2012, 07:35:42 am
Anyone can help me?

Please, i need my PC running for my job...

EDIT to the initial post: The blue screen appeared to me before i install the drivers for the usb wireless card. I just insert the usb flash and looking the files in it in "My Computer" and after 10 sec i 've got a BSOD... I never install the drivers for the wireless card.
Title: Re: Unexpected Interrupt - Halting - CPU or MB Problem?
Post by: dikal on October 24, 2012, 07:14:50 pm
Hi George

Can you run a chkdsk on your boot disk?
You can also try to boot (and run memtest) using only one stick of RAM at a time (check all three sticks).
Title: Re: Unexpected Interrupt - Halting - CPU or MB Problem?
Post by: GeorgeGR on October 24, 2012, 07:48:36 pm
Hi dikal.

My boot disk is fine. No errors/problems.

Ok, i'll do that and i will tell you the results.