Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: mrdbristol on November 07, 2012, 10:43:26 pm

Title: Gigabyte P67a GD4 - USB problems
Post by: mrdbristol on November 07, 2012, 10:43:26 pm
Having some major USB issues over the last couple of months, whereby the USB devices ( k/board + mouse ) just stop functioning.

1) Mouse freezes for a second or so


2) Mouse freezes for ~5 seconds

but more frequently

3) Both mouse and keyboard freeze up and both 'flash' ( the keyboard is illuminated and the mouse has lights ), not a pulsing flash but random flashing.
The only solution then is to take them both out and plug them into different USB sockets .

This fixes the problem temporarily

The flashing indicates, to me, that a signal/power is getting through but not constant.

Have tried ;

CMOS reset ( battery out etc. ) - No Fix

Reinstalled Windows - No Fix

Updated mobo drivers - No Fix

Replaced the Ram - No Fix

Flashed to latest F7 bios - No Fix

At a loss now for what to do ?

Would be very grateful for any/all suggestions


( Intel i5 2500k / Gigabyte P67a GD4 / Win 7 x64 )
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67a GD4 - USB problems
Post by: MarkJohnson on November 16, 2012, 08:17:50 am
You don't mention which keyboard/mouse you have.

I know my last few Microsoft keyboard/mouse combos have issues if I use the intellimouse/keyboard software.  If I just use the generic windows update drivers all is well, and ignore the mouse/keyboard trying to install driver for you.  I think there is a checkbox to never remind you again.


Title: Re: Gigabyte P67a GD4 - USB problems
Post by: mrdbristol on November 17, 2012, 02:35:35 pm
Logitech Illuminated K'board + Qpad 5k mouse.

Neither are using any 3rd party software to cause conflicts - Just standard windows usb drivers
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67a GD4 - USB problems
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 17, 2012, 09:14:49 pm
Logitech Illuminated K'board + Qpad 5k mouse.

Neither are using any 3rd party software to cause conflicts - Just standard windows usb drivers


You say that you are not using the drivers that come with the keyboard and mouse but just the generic drivers. Have you tried using the supplied drivers instead to see if they make any difference ?
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67a GD4 - USB problems
Post by: mrdbristol on November 18, 2012, 09:34:35 am
Both had been working fine for atleast 18 months prior to this issue ( without drivers ).

I cannot see any other common component that would cause BOTH items to freeze up at exactly the same time other than the USB ports/controllers.

Thanks for your suggestion :)

Title: Re: Gigabyte P67a GD4 - USB problems
Post by: absic on November 18, 2012, 12:26:56 pm
Have you recently updated Windows? I had a similar issue which seems to have been due to one of the updates which was resolved by a subsequent one. My problem lasted a couple of days and then resolved itself.

Also, at the time of the second Windows update, I swapped the USB ports around for the mouse and keyboard which may also have helped but as I did both things at the same time I'm not sure.
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67a GD4 - USB problems
Post by: mrdbristol on November 18, 2012, 12:51:02 pm
Windows is fully updated.( It has also been re-installed and updated again )

This issue started a few months ago, so Windows has since updated many times.
