Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: nipnosis on November 23, 2012, 06:11:15 pm
Just updated to the new 12e bios and now when I power up my pc I can't enter bios as my keyboard doesn't power up until after the splash screen. Any other way of entering bios other than a key board haha?
Just reflashed to F11 using the @BIOS utility back to F11 and my keyboard and mouse power up straight away and I can enter BIOS fine? seems like a major mess up to some how disable power to USB during Boot?
I have to say that I didn't encounter this issue when I updated to the F12e BIOS and I have posted a few ideas in your other thread here:,10233.msg76133.html#msg76133.
I installed F12e because of my NIC dropping on sleep or cold boot and it seems to have fixed it.
as for USB recognition I've always had the issue. I find the fast boot is too fast and you need to start pressing the delete key ahead of the cmos clear beep or it shoots to booting right away. If you wait for the beep to hit delete you may be too late. For some reason this board doesn't have an onboard speaker and you'll need to get one for your F_Panel connector if your PC's case doesn't provide a speaker connector.
Hi mate thanks for the response.
However I have a Qpad Mk85 which lights up when there is power and there just wasn't anything getting to the keyboard till after the windows load screen had appeared. I did just start hitting Del from as soon as power went on and got nothing at all so maybe with the extra time it takes due to the onboard software to give life to my keyboard it was too long.
However I have no problems on any of the previous Bios versions that are like that so must be a Bios thing.
I am going to have to RMA the board anyway due to my D4 on shutdown issue!
One last try is making sure the keyboard is plugged into the USB 2.0 port (the black ones) as I've had compatibility issues sometimes with USB 2.0 working properly in USB 3.0 ports until drivers are loaded.
ps, forgot to mention, did you try another keyboard for testing?
psss, I just googled your keyboard and it seems to have this issue quite often. You may want to check there forums for more info or call them direct.
Also, you are using a beta bios, have you tried the most recent stable BIOS (F11)? NM, I see you started having issues with F12e and F11 was fine. Just flash back to F11 and you will be good to go. No need for rma.
Forgot to mention that you should report this keyboard error to gigabyte. I forgot who to send info to, but it should be in the beta bios thread.,7410.0.html
I'm RMAing for the D4 issue I get on shutdown not this issue.
Yeah I just reflashed to F11 straight away as I couldn't apply my over clock.
I unfortunately don't have another keyboard but I may well get a cheap on just for occasions like this as I had to use @BIOS to reflash instead of Qflash.
I will report it thanks for the link :D