Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: dontkillthemetal on December 14, 2012, 04:41:01 am

Title: Beep codes for 8IPXDRE
Post by: dontkillthemetal on December 14, 2012, 04:41:01 am
Please forgive me if i am posting in the wrong thread.

I purchased two google servers off of ebay listed as GIX-04017 GB-1002 xeon 2600 4gb.  They seam to be in rather nice shape, not to heavily worn, and the cases alone look in great shape.  For 64 bucks you cant really go wrong.  My problem however is that i am getting 2 beep code messages on each of the machines.

The first machine has a 2 Long beeps - one high pitch- and one low pitch, repeating over and over again.  I tried re-seating the ram but no dice.

The second server is giving me 6 short beeps and then pausing for a few seconds just to resume the beeping again.  Also tried the ram, nothing thus far.

Does anyone know the beep codes for my motherboards?
The manuel on gigabytes webpage did not seam to help me to much. I did find this;,2248.0.html   

But it does not seam to really follow my board.  Any help would be appreciated!
Title: Re: Beep codes for 8IPXDRE
Post by: Ben on December 14, 2012, 08:11:59 am
Hi there,

1 high pitch followed by a low pitch, could mean CPU overheating, not seated properly or on its way out, malfunctioning in some way.

If you get a single high pitch repeating over & over there is something extremely wrong with your CPU & you should switch your computer off immediately.

On my beep chart 6 short beeps say its a keyboard controller Gate A20 error, which could mean you mobo is stuffed or faulty keyboard.

Try removing all components clean out any dust etc, also remove the CMOS battery while doing this, when finished replace all components plus battery & restart system.

Hope this helps.
