Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Rockwells on March 05, 2013, 05:19:15 pm
About a month ago I spent a good amount of money on building a new computer, mainly for gaming. Since the day the power button was first pushed for its first boot up, it's been throwing Blue Screens at least once a day, every now and then twice a day. Here's a list of everything I have in the computer, maybe someone here can give me an idea of what might be throwing the computer off its game. Thanks everyone.
Hardware List-
Windows 7
GA-Z77X-UD5H Motherboard
i7-3770k Intel CPU @ 3.5GHz ~3.9GHz Turbo
16G Memory Corsair Vengance
2G NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti
1k Watt Power Supply
If there is anything I have left out, or yo have any questions, please let me know and I'll answer to the best of my knowledge to figure out my problem, Thank you again.
What is Blue screen error code?
I attached a Pic of the Blue Screen that I am receiving. I'm pretty sure it's my RAM causing the problem.
Try to increase CPU Vtt to 1.10-1.12V,maybe help.
I'll give that a shot. The odd thing is that with in an hour of turning the computer on in the morning, it will Blue Screen. After the first time, it's good all day until the next time I turn it on, then about an hour after that it Blue Screens, then it's good to go again. It's almost like a daily routine for me with my coffee, lol.
Unable to change CPU Vtt, currently at 1.050v. Is there any where else I can change it at?
Unable to change CPU Vtt, currently at 1.050v. Is there any where else I can change it at?
To know your board better,please read some reviews:,1.html
First of all,set in BIOS "Load Optimized Defaults".
Still can't change anything on the Voltage
Which BIOS?
Try to switch BIOS.
Clear CMOS.
What you using to change value in BIOS?
3D or 2D mode?
When it shows the Logo, I hit DEL to go into BIOS. I have option to for 3D BIOS but I don't go into there. Just the view with multiple option and stuff like that. Arrow key or Mouse for selection.
Press F1 for 2D BIOS.
Change value with "+" or "-" on keyboard.
All says AUTO, unable to change anything with the voltage. I'll snag a pic later and post it. Thanks for everything tho.
Was able to change the CPU Vtt from 1.050 to 1.100. Seems to have slowed my computer down quite a bit. This is what it's throwing when it Blue Screens on me. I've been talking with Corsair Support and they said to run a MemTest86, been doing that for about a week now. Nothing is helping, just a load of money down the drain. Is there anything that can be done to fix this before I throw this expensive computer out my 2nd story window?
I am also getting blue screens with this mb. Mine worked fine from Aug 2012 until Feb 2013. Started blue screens after about 30 minutes of use. Also have a problem with the mouse and keyboard freezing up. Corsair replaced my 16 gb of memory ( 4-4mb modules). No difference in symptoms. Gigabyte tech support was no help. If I remove two modules the board is stable. Add a third module and I get blue screen occasionally. Add the fourth module and I get a blue screen after a about 30 minutes, every time. I think the board is bad, but this is a bad time for me to be without a computer for 3 or 4 weeks while Gigabyte checks it. Board has never been over clocked and I have run with the default settings for processor and memory. And it worked without any problem for 6 months.
My MB is only a couple months old, since day 1 I've had problems. I contacted Corsair, the tech said for me to run MemTech86 on each Stick in each Slot. Talk about hours wasted. There has to be a problem somewhere and no one is really giving any info. I spent a lot of money on this computer and nothing is working rite, after the 1st BS when I turn it on it seems to run pretty good until I Boot up the next morning. I've boosted the CPU Vtt as I was told to here on this Forum, but nothing has changed the problem, would Gigabyte be willing to take my MB and run tests on it? How long would that take by chance?
Anyone here know anything to solve this problem? $300+ is about to be wasted due to Gigabyte not making a proper MB. Yes, very disappointed.