Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Lncredible on March 28, 2013, 09:57:32 am
Hi there,
My windows 8 64bit PC has suffered from a known issue with enabling Hyper-V in windows 8:
I have tried to remedy it by upgrading the bios to the latest version (something I haven't done with this motherboard (GA-Z68AP-D3 (rev. 1.0)) yet, since its purchase in May 2012.
I downloaded revision 8 and extracted the files. I then put them onto a bootable USB - the files Z68APD3.F8, flashspi, and autoexec. I then restarted, reset the motherboard to defaults, and entered Q-Flash and navigated to the file. It presented me with the error message: "BIOS ID check error".
I'm sure I have done everything right. What could be causing this message? I'd like to use Q-flash to upgrade the version, but it doesn't seem possible.
No need to be bootable USB, just USB FAT32 file system only, if you flash with Q-Flash and be sure to point on Z68APD3.F8 BIOS.
I actually did a format of the same USB stick (FAT32), and put the same files back on. I am pointing it to that file (it is the only one that is a choice in Q-flash) and I get that error message.
I suppose its always possible that they shipped me a revision 2 and i didnt notice when assembling. Would that cause this error message?
Yes,of course...version 1.0 and 2.0 has different BIOS.
Can you check with CPU-Z application (Mainboard/BIOS), BIOS existing version?
Yes, I'll do that. I can't do it for the moment, as I am at work, but I'll see if i can find out of it is a 2.0 Z68 by looking on the Mobo itself, and also use CPUz to find the revision number.