Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: creepingdeath on June 20, 2013, 12:38:52 am

Title: z68ap-d3: CMOS reset ineffective
Post by: creepingdeath on June 20, 2013, 12:38:52 am
Good day, everyone.

Posting on this forum as a sort of last resort, for I'm out of ideas on this particular situation.

Six days ago, my computer began emitting two short consecutive beeps before startup out of nowhere.  It was running beastly as usual, early in the morning, but left the house to run some errands (not before shutting it down, of course).  Upon return late afternoon, the aformentioned error ocurred.  It actually throws the computer in a loop of powering up-BLIP BLIP-powers down.  About 3 seconds later, it tries again, blips twice, powers down again.  According to the manual, the two bleeps mean there's a CMOS failure.  I removed the CMOS battery for approximately 10-20 mins, and placed it again.  No change.

Removed it a second time, left it out overnight and put it back in the next afternoon.  Same error.

Removed it a third time, put it in the refrigerator (old trick) overnight and tried again the next day...same error.

Can anyone shed some light as to what could be going on?  I built this tower a little over a year ago and this is the first time that it has given me any trouble at all.  Haven't posted specs since I don't think specs really apply to the problem, but I can post them if need be.  Thanks in advance for any replies.
Title: Re: z68ap-d3: CMOS reset ineffective
Post by: Gloup_Gloup on June 20, 2013, 01:21:14 pm
Hi creepingdeath,  ;)

Welcome to forum,

I you tried to change a battery on the motherboard?
Maybe is used.... try with a new battery...

At the shop, check a date write on the pakage.
Title: Re: z68ap-d3: CMOS reset ineffective
Post by: Gloup_Gloup on June 21, 2013, 05:21:46 am
Hi creepingdeath,   ;)

About your motherboard:
What is your Revision? Because he exist:

GA-Z68AP-D3 (rev. 1.0)
GA-Z68AP-D3 (rev. 2.0)

Check in your manual, page 3 for How to....

What are your bios version?

Title: Re: z68ap-d3: CMOS reset ineffective
Post by: Fatman on June 22, 2013, 02:09:29 pm
Did you try to flash your bios?
Title: Re: z68ap-d3: CMOS reset ineffective
Post by: creepingdeath on June 22, 2013, 07:30:24 pm
I tried a new battery, but I still got the same error.

I will reconvene the revision number later tonight when I get back from work (where I currently am atm). 

No I have not.  Never done it before.  How do I flash this mobo's BIOS?
Title: Re: z68ap-d3: CMOS reset ineffective
Post by: creepingdeath on June 24, 2013, 03:38:40 am
Sorry for double post, but couldn't find where to edit my last post.

The mobo is a Rev 2.0.  The mobo doesn't have a button to reset the CMOS setting, but jumpers instead.  I tried the screwdriver method, but it seems I did it wrong or it didn't work, for the problem persists.  Never really had issues with a motherboard before, so forgive me if I sound a bit uncultured.