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Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: dmcmillen on January 05, 2014, 03:27:53 pm
GA-X58A-UD3R Rev 2.0, i7-960, Corsair RM1000 PS, GTX-560 Ti, Corsair 120GB SSD SATA3 System, 3TB Hitachi SATA3 data, Win 7, 64bit
This problem started the Sat before Xmas. Machine would not power up. The 6 Phase LEDs were Green, Green, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Red. NB Phase LEDs were Green, Yellow. DDR Phase LEDs were Green, Yellow.
Yesterday I replaced the motherboard with a new one and replaced the power supply with the RM1000 and on power up (power on at the PS) Phase LEDs were the same (G,G,Y,Y,R,R), got 3 or 4 sets of 4 beeps (I think short). Something was on the screen white on black, but I was not able to catch it.
Right now if I turn the PS on, the 6 Phase LEDs go G,G,Y,Y,R,R. NB Phase goes G,Y. DDR Phase goes G,Y. Then when I hit the PC power switch I get 4 sets of 4 short beeps, then it attempts to boot. I stop and go into BIOS at this time because BIOS sees the data drive but not the system drive. Not sure if this is a related problem. Both drives were just replaced. AC power source is routed thru an APC surge protector/battery backup unit.
This sequence of beeps is not listed in the mobo manual. The closest is continuous short beeps indicating a power error. The Phase LEDs are listed in the manual as "The number of lighted LEDs indicates the CPU loading. The higher the CPU loading, the more the number of lighted LEDs. To enable the Phase LED function, please first enable Dynamic Energy Saver 2. Refer to Chapter 4, Dynamic Energy Saver 2 for more details"
Really could use some help here. Do I have a bad processor?? Does anyone know the meaning of the beeps?? Thanks for your help.
Here are the Beep Codes. Plus when was the last you clean in side your computer?
1short beep :System normal
2 short beep :CMOS Error
1 long beep and 1 short beep:Memory error
1 long beep and 2 short beep:Graphic card error
1 long beep and 3 short beep :AGP error
1 long beep and 9 short beep : Memory Error
Continuous long beep :Memory not correctly installed
Continuous short beep :Power supply unit failed
1 short beep :Memory Error
2 short beep:Memory parity check error.
3 short beep :basic memory 64K address check error
4 short beep :Real Time Clock malfunction .
5 short beep :CPU error
6 short beep:Keyboard error
7 short beep :CPU interruption error
8 short beep:Graphic card error
9 short beep :Memory error
10 short beep :CMOS error
11 short beep :CPU cache memory malfunction
I am getting 4 sets of 4 short beeps which do not match anything. Case, fans, computer was completely cleaned in Nov and again before xmas when this problem began. I just replaced the ps and replaced the mobo with a brand new one (same board) so machine is spotless. Both hdds were replaced in Nov.
If the Phase LEDs indicate the CPUs loading, does this mean i have a bad CPU?
I just check mine board. All I get is when I turn on the power switch on the PSU. I get blink of the Y & G on the memory LED's.
Once I push the power switch on the computer. I get Y G Y G on the memory LED's. I get Y Y G G on the CPU LED's.
Once the board has check everything all the lights go out. If you look in the book on page 22 it does talk about the LED's.
I can't tell what the red light mean sorry. I do some test on my board to see I can Get the red lights to come on.