Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Mountain on January 11, 2014, 01:45:10 pm

Title: H87-HD3 second system fan problem (SYSFAN_2)
Post by: Mountain on January 11, 2014, 01:45:10 pm

New H87-HD3 MB with 2 case fans connected on it (on SYSFAN_1 and SYSFAN_2). Bios version F5. All settings to default.

When my system boots after I turn it on, the second system fan (SYSFAN_2) will light up, spin for 2 seconds and then either it will be spinning ok or it will stop. That is, sometimes it works ok (7/10 times) and sometimes not (3/10 times).
If it doesn't work and I restart the system nothing changes and the SYSFAN_2 continues not to work. To fix the problem I have to power down the system and turn it on again waiting this time to be lucky and the SYSFAN_2 starts up.

Note that the same fan when connected to system fan 1 or 3 outputs it works ok. So it is not a fan issue.

It should be either a hardware problem of the  system fan 2 output or a bios firmware issue.
Any opinion or help appreciated...
Title: Re: H87-HD3 second system fan problem (SYSFAN_2)
Post by: Dest90 on January 13, 2014, 07:05:14 am
To see if it's not a firmware issue try downgrading BIOS.

I had this mobo for 5 months, it's crap because my onboard LAN broke & unit was restarting after 30 minutes of work even in idle with low temps.  :-[
Title: Re: H87-HD3 second system fan problem (SYSFAN_2)
Post by: Mountain on January 13, 2014, 01:42:22 pm
I have the latest bios firmware available.
I noticed that the problem occurs usually when I turn the PC on and at same time the Monitor is already on (the monitor is connected via hdmi to the discrete video card and stays in idle mode when my pc is off).
So I suppose that since sysfan_2 uses half the voltage than the other sysfan outputs (1 and 3), when I try to power on my PC with the monitor on then  extra voltage is needed to wake the monitor from idle and this results to the sysfan_2 not to work, because it has less voltage.
In other words ther is no problem with my MB, but I think that the right connection of my second case fan (120mm) should be in sysfan_3 output and not in sysfan_2 as it is now.
What I cannot understand is how come they decided in gigabyte to make sysfan_2 with less voltage and not sysfan_3 instead???