Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Mahlon on January 21, 2014, 03:51:43 pm

Title: Will GA-G33M-DS2R Motherboard Support Windows 8?
Post by: Mahlon on January 21, 2014, 03:51:43 pm

I'm pulling a bunch of old parts from my closet to build a friend a computer (sorely needs). I'm wondering if the GA-G33M-DS2R will support Windows 8. Does anyone know? On the bios download page, I don't see it listed.

Thanks if you have in info.

Title: Re: Will GA-G33M-DS2R Motherboard Support Windows 8?
Post by: dmdilks on January 21, 2014, 04:26:12 pm
It will more likely install but what if you do need a driver. Here is link to the requirements for windows 8.1:
Title: Re: Will GA-G33M-DS2R Motherboard Support Windows 8?
Post by: Mahlon on January 21, 2014, 07:20:32 pm
Thanks for your answer. That page doesn't give any indication of Motherboard drivers.

I've seen a site where you can download drivers for the GA-G33M-DS2R (not Gigabyte's sites) which state that they are compatible with Windows 8. I just didn't know if using and older motherboard like this with Windows 8 would present problems. Thing is, I can't install Windows 7 before I install Windows 8 because it will be a new install. So no automatically letting me know from Microsoft.

Title: Re: Will GA-G33M-DS2R Motherboard Support Windows 8?
Post by: dmdilks on January 21, 2014, 08:28:01 pm
If you are going to install windows 8. Plus if it is a OEM copy don't have the internet connected.

That way if something goes wrong it isn't connected to that MB. When you install windows 8 at a point it will start ask for email and password.

I would say no at that time. You can always do that later. Like I said if something does go wrong.

You still have a OEM copy to put on another computer. Once you activate a OEM copy it is connected to that board & only that board.