Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: MCS_Computers on June 16, 2014, 04:56:57 pm
I have just done a system build with a H81M-DS2 motherboard and an Intel G3440 CPU. When at the desktop and I issue a restart command the system closes normally but then leaves me with no VGA output, if I turn the PSU off and on again and press the on/off button it turns on okay.
On the odd occasion when I turn the system on the fans start to spin, I get no VGA output, the system turns itself off and on again and boots normally.
I have downloaded the bios update for this motherboard and it gives me 3 files. Autoexec.bat, Efiflash.exe and H81MDS2.F5 file. If I run the Efiflash.exe on the system I get an error messege saying "The version of this file is not compatible with the version of windows you are using" I am running Windows 7 64 bit.
Is this restart issue common with Gigabyte boards, I am a system builder but I`m only just starting to use Gigabyte motherboards ??
Also if I boot into a dos environment and try to flash that way I get a bios mismatch error ???
What revision is your motherboard?
Have you checked the FAQ about updating BIOS here:,2441.msg13929.html#msg13929
Rev 2.0
Also the link you provided has broken picture links. I used a USB stick and run the program that came with the download but it came up with a bios mismatch error.
Just tried it again this morning and now the flash program starts to run and now I get the error "Not Able To Read Bios File Sucessfully"
Downloaded the file again and replaced it on the flash stick but no difference.
Problem Fixed ..
I re-downloaded the new bios and attempted to do it again and failed with the same error messeges.
I then put the bios files in the root directory of the flash drive, booted from it and the update started automatically and completed successfully. The computer system now restarts as it should with no problems.
I`m a little disappointed that my first experience of the newer Gigabyte boards is a bad one, been building systems as a retailer for over 20 years and would place Gigabyte as one of the biggest suppliers of motherboards, used them years ago without any issues.
I am assuming that any of these boards manufactured after the date of the release of the new bios will automatically have this new bios already on ??
Any newbee system builder may well have sent this board back to the distributor as faulty ??
The safest way to re-flash the bios is with Q-flash. The application within the bios, not through dos.
Glad you were able to fix the problem.
The safest way to re-flash the bios is with Q-flash. The application within the bios, not through dos.
Glad you were able to fix the problem.
That's fine providing Gigabyte release the update to use with QFLASH, in this incidence they did not .. :-\