Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Janset on August 17, 2014, 06:07:15 am
Hi all.
I have a 3 yo windows 7 Ultimate OME computer with an i7 intel processor.
The motherboard is an gigabyte GA-H67A-UD3H-B3 rev 1.1
The other day I had an issue in that the PC would simply not turn on. This I managed to fix, loose power cable.
What I did notice and when I think back, I cannot remember when I last heard any beep codes.
Any suggestions as to how I can get my beeps back. ???
do you have a speaker on the motherboard?
Hi there.
Yep, I have a small black cylinder like thing plugged into the motherboard.
It is about the diameter of a pencil and about the same in length (as the diameter) and it is connected to the MB via 2 wires with a plastic fitting that slides over the fitting mounted on the MB.
But I cannot remember if this fitting can be clipped the wrong way around or not. To check that I would have to get into the box and where I have the box located it is a bit of a chore.
I will check that out the next time I clean the dust out of the box.
Regards :)
The speaker is about the size of a dime, and about 1/2 inch long that would be a speaker with 3 or 4 holes in the top.
So if you do have a speaker plugged in did you try to reflash the bios just in case or load safe defaults.
Hi there.
I cannot remember seeing such a device as you describe. I will have another look the next time I have the covers off. As for re-flashing the BIOS...hopefully not in this life time. Gigabyte them selves do no recommend this practice unless there is serious fault
as it is fraught with danger, and I do not consider this to be a serious fault.
My first course of action will be to see if my beeper is connected correctly, (also have a look for yours). Next, to reset my CMOS, and then start pulling parts out and booting each time to see if I get a beeper response. I can do this without any serious risk of unwanted damages.
This method seems to be the way most people posting on various Forums on the web choose to go. YouTube is a point in case. The reason I posted here was just in case there was something characteristic to the Gigabyte MB that I should know about.