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Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: spoof on November 27, 2014, 11:31:34 pm

Title: Please help: New mobo GA-H81N itx - no graphics upon restart WIN7 x86
Post by: spoof on November 27, 2014, 11:31:34 pm
Hello all,
I just updated my core 2 duo computer this week to something more modern and unfortunately having a couple of problems with my build I hope somebody can help me out. I will try and rule out some more factors tomorrow as its getting late but been at it all day with no success.
The main problem I have is that whenever I restart the computer from windows the unit shutdowns but the graphics on the screen dont come back to life and my monitor goes into sleep mode. The power light remains on but the disk drive activity led doesnt blink making me think that the file system is not being read but saying that I neither see any of the intial bios graphics either as if it seems to have just died. My keyboard and razer mouse also lose their lights during the process. :-( I have to power cycle the machine to revive it.
It happens at every instance the computer wants to restart or I opt to restart the machine and the results are identical for all the VGA, DVI and HDMI graphic outputs on the rear. Unfortunately my chassis doesnt have a hard reset button thus my front panel header is lacking these two pins. I will short these pins together with some scissors tomorrow to test the hard reset function and report back.
My new build is as follows and board is on default f3 bios I believe.
Mobo = itx GA-H81N
CPU = intel g3258
Ram= 2x2gb ddr3 1333 Gskill
Kingston V200 ssd 128gb
Intel 6235 pci card
Windows 7 32bit Pro
PSU= Seasonics SS-250SU

There are some other glitches I found with a quick description of the installation process... First I plugged everything in to include FP header,CPU and rear exhaust fan. SATAIII cable to drive in SATA3.1 slot. Powered PC on for first time and it turned on for approx 3 secs then turned off, then came back on again by itself. Reached the bios screen everything recognised (just getting to grips with this UEFI bios). Upon formatting the ssd and trying the install windows it said it wouldnt let me (I think it said some controller issue or something not supported...) I changed AHCI to IDE mode. I was then allowed to install windows to the drive but with the major problem I have in the first paragraph.

I forgot to mention that trying sleep works fine. I can tap a key and it wakes no problem. Power supply voltages reported in bios very close to desired so all good there.

Sorry for the long one but want to try and help best I can hopefully it can be solved and help out others experiencing similar problems. Look forward to speaking to you.

-new update 27/11/14 23:51: Just tried installing some simple programs such as CPU-z which crashes everytime. Core temp utiltity report CPU constant at 3.2Ghz idle CPU usage = 25% seems high constant clock @3.2ghz expect multiplier to scale speed down but doesnt. Should I update BIOS to F4?
Title: Re: Please help: New mobo GA-H81N itx - no graphics upon restart WIN7 x86
Post by: autotech on November 28, 2014, 11:38:34 am
I would update bios if needed. How are you checking CPU usage. With task manager or gadget?
Title: Re: Please help: New mobo GA-H81N itx - no graphics upon restart WIN7 x86
Post by: spoof on November 28, 2014, 08:49:49 pm
Thanks autotech so far all is working a treat after the bios update - cant believe how simple it is with the built in qflash !
Have to correct my previous post as the board from factory came with F1 bios. Flashed F4 to support 4th gen intel core - so far thumbs up very pleased.
I was using the Task manager for CPU usage and core temp program . Before bios update 25% constant CPU usage at idle which triggered alarm bells . Task manager after flash now 1-3% at idle :-)