Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Greytools on July 02, 2015, 04:09:23 pm
Is the ga-j1900-dv3 PCI slot compatible with this video card?
or in general with something like
thanks ;D
The answer to your question is yes.
Some things to keep in mind:
Board supports up to 8GB of memory
Card has 1GB of dedicated RAM
Max res for both onboard or card is 2560x1600
Onboard DVI-D 1920x1080
Core clock speed of onboard graphics (J1900) is 688Mhz, max 854
Core clock on Zotac is 810Mhz
Bottle neck for you is PCI bus clock speed @33Mhz
Adding the card will give you full use (amount) of installed system memory for your OS. Having a dedicated GPU to offload your video a photo tasks to will offer a slight improvement over what you have now.
really thanks for your post, because I possess this Zotac and I can't use it.
My Bios/UEFI setting are wrong?
Could you tell me the basic settings which should I use ?
the firmware is already version f4.
Thanks in advance.
See page 21 of your manual
Allows you to select whether to enable the UEFI or legacy option ROM for the graphics controller.
Do not launch Disables option ROM.
UEFI only Enables UEFI option ROM only.
Legacy only Enables legacy option ROM only.
Legacy first Enables legacy option ROM first. (Default)
UEFI first Enables UEFI option ROM first.
This item is configurable only when CSM Support is set to Enabled.
Try this as the PCI slot only supports legacy devices.