Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: RahMan on March 31, 2010, 02:52:50 pm
Hi, how are you ?
After my last upgrade from 4x1gb gskill 800mhz to 2x2gb corsair 1066mhz, i am experiencing random BSOD , boot failures , etc.
After a search on google, i found that the problem is about chipset P35 with rams 1066mhz ! And the solution seems to be OC the rams ! but, i dont know how to overclock my rams to default settings ! ( seems like my MotherBoard undervolts the rams volts ! = failure BSOD )
So, what settings should i use on bios to get the default 1066 mhz, 2.1volts and CL5 timings on my corsair rams ? ( this is how my bios is.. )
Thank you very much,
Tiago Santiago
ps: board rev 1.1 bios f9 , power supply bequit! 1000w.
Hi there, not sure what cpu you have so will leave the overclock alone LOL. Your link does not work sorry....But if the ram sticker is say 5-5-5-15 and 2.1v then you probrably have it in the bios set at default 1.8v, so you will need to go into your bios in MB Intelligent Tweaker (M.I.T) you may have to hit ctrl F1 to see it.. and up your voltage on the DDR2 OverVoltage Control +0.3 (to give you 2.1v and (G)MCH Overvoltage up +0.2. Leave performance enhance to standard. C.I.A 2 disabled
Select the DRAM Timing Selectable (SPD) to manual and change the first 4 numbers to what is on the side of your ram
eg: 5
And leave all the rest to auto
That should help with your stability and allow you to boot without the boot cycle and bsod probs.
hi mate, first of all thank you ! for your time ;)
correct link:
At the moment i have set 5-5-5-15 and +0.3 on ddr volt. but, i didnt set that MHC stuff.. what is that, by the way ?
i have a c2d e6600 :)
Many thanks !!
ps: with +0.3v and 5-5-5-15 and 533mhz ( 2x = 1066 ), it seems everything nice now ! but i will check 101% with memtest :D
At the moment i have set 5-5-5-15 and +0.3 on ddr volt. but, i didnt set that MHC stuff.. what is that, by the way ?
Northbridge..... :) Glad to see your up and running.
If you start having more probs up the (G)MCH up +0.2 but no more...
another BSOD !
i give up ! going 2 rma with this ! shouldn't be necessary so many tweaks.. on reviews they say that this babes can take it 1066 at 2.1 2.0 even 1.9 ! so..lets see after rma ! by the way, how long corsair takes with rma ? how that works ? its my first time with a hardware rma .. :S
thank you ! for your time :D
What error are you getting with your bsod? It may just be a setting in the bios or a voltage needs to to tweaked. have you tried to up the (G)MCH like i suggested? You just need to find the sweet spot for that board. Don't give up just yet because the board I think is fine.
What makes you thinkthe problem is corsair? Did you memtest the ram? What are your other specs> like your video card, your power supply etc...