Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: polypenko on January 24, 2016, 11:35:16 pm
Yesterday I completed the install of my new mb, did a clean w10 install and all went well.
But I do have 1 question in respect to the following.
Whilst eg. surfing the internet my cpu is running at approx 30 degrees centigrade and all of a sudden
the temp goes up to 62 d.c. fans speed increases and than afther a short will the cpu goes back
to idle status 30 d.c.
When this happens it checked which process is using more cpu capacity, sometimes it's the microsoft
edge bit it will only indicate 15% performance but this still results in the above.
Used Arctic Silver compound and my cooler is correct mounted.
Any ideas what could be causing this?
If you go into the bios what does the temp run at? There is some thing that is running in the back ground like updates. You can't turn them off. Microsoft has made it live all the time. It is a windows 10 thing.
I did some research on this and other people are having the same problem. One guy said he was running win 7 & Linux with no problem. When he install windows 10 that is when he started to have problems.
Things like this I don't run windows 10. Yes I have it on two computers for testing for Microsoft. That is right they are still in the test mode. OH wait did I say that I'm sorry.
Just did an update to Windows Insider 11022, and the fans went 100 procent could not monitor the temp
during the update.
Will a clean Windows re-install solve this issue?
Any other tips?
No it will not it is a windows 10 thing at this time sorry. There are more bugs in windows 10 then there was in 8 & 8.1.