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Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: joe08 on March 24, 2016, 05:17:20 am

Title: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: joe08 on March 24, 2016, 05:17:20 am
specs listed below:

Intel i7-4770K
4x4GB (16GB) Corsair venganceDDR3
BIOS update ver 1.0/F9


I've been having issues with my motherboard utilizing dual-channel slots. Any time I add sticks of RAM on the two slots closest to the CPU, my PC will beep constantly in short bursts and reboot. The only slots that work are the two farthest from the CPU.
I've also RMA my mobo and received  a note stating, "no problems detected." I just installed it and.....the issue persists. Researching this on goolge I came across many others stating they had mobos with bent pins in their socket. I've checked and no bent pins. I've tested each stick of RAM and they all boot up properly. At this point I can only suspect the CPU is some how not allowing me to access both DIMM slots, if that's possible.

any other ideas from the community? I'm waiting to hear back from gigabyte in regards as to what testing peripherals were used in determining my mobo as "working with no faults"
Title: Re: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: ElectroStingz on March 24, 2016, 01:59:24 pm

Using just 1x4GB
Does the Grey slot to the right side of the board work on its own?
Yes = Channel B working
No = Channel B not working

Using just 1x4GB
Does the Grey slot closest to the CPU socket work on its own?
Yes = Channel A working
No = Channel A not working

From what you are saying it appears that Channel A is not working.

Dual channel mode 2x4GB = Grey slots only
Dual channel mode 2x4GB = Black slots only

Grey + Black to the right side of the board = Channel B
Grey + Black to the left side of the board(cpu socket) = Channel A

:) make sense?

Title: Re: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: shadowsports on March 24, 2016, 06:29:30 pm

Using just 1x4GB
Does the Grey slot to the right side of the board work on its own?
Yes = Channel B working
No = Channel B not working

Using just 1x4GB
Does the Grey slot closest to the CPU socket work on its own?
Yes = Channel A working
No = Channel A not working

From what you are saying it appears that Channel A is not working.

Dual channel mode 2x4GB = Grey slots only
Dual channel mode 2x4GB = Black slots only

Grey + Black to the right side of the board = Channel B
Grey + Black to the left side of the board(cpu socket) = Channel A

:) make sense?

Thumbs up for that answer  ;) Should help with troubleshooting.

Memory should be installed in pairs either the grey or black slots, but NOT one in each.

Is your Vengeance RAM CL9 or CL10, just curious.  Both will work, but CL9 is more desirable. 

The CPU is not limiting your use of the memory, if its on the QVL and there is not a hardware issue or incorrect BIOS setting, 2 or 4 DIMMs should work if installed correctly.

Two DIMMS, install them in DDR3_1 & DDR3_2 (Gray Slots)


C0-CF are reserved error codes for future use. 

Can we confirm that your RAM is in fact on the QVL?

Can you please perform a battery pull, and retest.
Title: Re: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: joe08 on March 24, 2016, 08:43:20 pm
Thanks for the response gentlemen. Before I sent mobo out, I purchased another pair of RAM to have a total of 16GB. (4x4GB) It's corsair with the same timings but different model as I could not find another pair of pro series.

Shdowsports: to answer your question, my RAM is CL9
Ram models: Vengeance Pro series/red covers - CMY8GX3M2A1886C9R 2X4GB
                     Vengeance regular/black covers - CMZ8GX3M2A1866C9  2x4GB

Until this issue is resolved, throughout the troubleshooting process I will be using the same paired models until I can get the other slots working. (Vengeance regular) and I am currently using the default BIOS settings with the XMP disabled.

Now, the slots that are currently working are according to the image posted above are slots 1 and 3 (black/grey) so my ram is running single side and not dual-channel. I have also used one pro series and one regular in this manner with no problems so I'm under the impression they are compatible. I can also run a single stick on either slot 1 or 3 which is actually a small improvement. This was not the case before I sent the board out to RMA. The only noticeable difference when I received the board was the BIOS was updated from F8 to F9. Single sticks on either slot 2 or 4 will result in a boot fail.

Also, other configurations of RAM will result in my PC failing to boot with a constant beep sound and the debug code C0. Single RAM in slot 2 or 4, fail; dual-channel/s (slot 1-2/grey-grey or slot 3-4/black-black) also fails as well. 

Title: Re: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: joe08 on March 24, 2016, 09:01:21 pm
I've read a variety of other possible solutions like overclocking my cpu to enable the desired RAM speeds and manually setting timings on the RAM but the only issue with that is I cannot set timings on channel-A (Round trip Latency and four other options appear which are not listed on channel-B; loLatR0D0?)According to the BIOS, channel-B is Rank 0 and channel-A is Rank 1. I'm guessing this is the case with channel-A since it does not detect a stick but regardless, if I can't set a timing then its a pointless effort. Any time I try to change the values it sets it back to 'auto'
Title: Re: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: shadowsports on March 24, 2016, 10:05:09 pm
Its the 1866Mhz RAM....  Install 1600 or 1333 and your system will boot (if SPD is 1333 use XMP Profile 1)

Support for DDR3 3200(O.C.) / 3100(O.C.) / 3000(O.C.) / 2933(O.C.) / 2800(O.C.) / 2666(O.C.) / 2600(O.C.) / 2500(O.C.) / 2400(O.C.) / 2200(O.C.) / 2133(O.C.) / 2000(O.C.) / 1866(O.C.) / 1800(O.C.) / 1600 / 1333 MHz memory modules

Or, you can attempt to OC the CPU a little in BIOS, shut down and install the 4 1866Mhz DIMMs.  If you get the settings right, they could work, but it will be tricky.

Your "black" RAM is on the QVL, Red is not, but (like you) I believe its 100% compatible. I use Corsair RAM exclusively.  The issue however is the OC requirement with your speed memory.  Those of us who've been building PC's a while all remember the days when you could use faster memory in a "slower" configuration and rarely did you have a problem, as long as the memory was generally compatible.  No longer the case, and its not just Gigabyte.  Asus boards can be just as picky.   
Title: Re: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: joe08 on March 24, 2016, 10:27:16 pm
Still learning the OC basics. I've set the BCLK to 100Mhz and the multiplier to 40 (100x40=4.0Ghz) no success. Would I have to continue to increase multiplier and if so the voltage as well? Despite having the XMP profile off and using the detected timings (9-9-9-27 @ 1333) would I still have to OC? I thought that OC was necessary only if I was to set the timer at 1866 via XMP?

Title: Re: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: shadowsports on March 24, 2016, 10:50:57 pm
Tweaks to both CPU and memory have to be made in BIOS for the correct configuration.  Hopefully one of the OC guys will see this thread.  I don't OC and am not the right person to ask/offer advice on the subject.  :-X 

Posted in the OC forum.  Lets see if we can get some more eyes on this.    :)
Title: Re: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: ElectroStingz on March 25, 2016, 12:17:47 am
I would say Channel A is looking dead and the issue is with your CPU.

As to the memory frequency,
Most DDR3 kits default to the JEDEC standard of 1333Mhz so it is unlikely to be a memory related issue. The 1866Mhz rating is simply the manufacturers way of stating that the memory kit (or chips) can run at X frequency.

What the memory kit can do Vs what your CPU can run is another story but all being default, it should work and boot without issues in your motherboard.

The problems with some of the more recent DDR4 kits are that JEDEC guidelines are not being followed, some manufacturers offer kits that run SPD profiles starting at 2400Mhz+, not a good idea.

Are you able to borrow a CPU?
Title: Re: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: joe08 on March 25, 2016, 12:19:05 am
I OC my CPU to 4.1Ghz. Anything higher and my PC blue screened at windows loading screen each time. Tried dual-channel once I OC to 4.1Ghz and no go. So I've decided to upgrade my CPU to a 4790K since the CPU memory controller maybe conflicting with my higher rated RAM. I will receive it tomorrow and I will reply back with the outcome.

I'm at the end of my patience with this issue and I've yet to actually enjoy some gaming with it. Greatly appreciate the responses.
Title: Re: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: joe08 on March 25, 2016, 12:20:27 am
I would say Channel A is looking dead and the issue is with your CPU.

As to the memory frequency,
Most DDR3 kits default to the JEDEC standard of 1333Mhz so it is unlikely to be a memory related issue. The 1866Mhz rating is simply the manufacturers way of stating that the memory kit (or chips) can run at X frequency.

What the memory kit can do Vs what your CPU can run is another story but all being default, it should work and boot without issues in your motherboard.

The problems with some of the more recent DDR4 kits are that JEDEC guidelines are not being followed, some manufacturers offer kits that run SPD profiles starting at 2400Mhz+, not a good idea.

Are you able to borrow a CPU?

Yea, I figured it had to be CPU. We'll see how the 4790k works out
Title: Re: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: shadowsports on March 25, 2016, 02:11:23 pm
Both processors share identical memory specs.  DDR3-1333/1600, DDR3L-1333/1600 @ 1.5V.  FWIW, I'm still not convinced its the CPU. 

Title: Re: Z97X-UD5H C0 debug code
Post by: joe08 on March 25, 2016, 09:47:53 pm
Just installed my 4790K and it worked right away on dual-channel slot. It finally detected channel A. Installed the other two sticks and same thing. It is now running dual-channel properly; 16GB with XMP profile enabled. No OC clocking required on the CPU.

Thanks again for the troubleshooting assistance. This has been a big pain for months.