Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: JawZ on April 03, 2017, 05:59:45 pm

Title: Random high CPU temp at startup
Post by: JawZ on April 03, 2017, 05:59:45 pm

I have a Gigabyte P55-UD4P v1.0 mobo with an Intel i7 860 CPU with stock cooling.
I'm getting a strange issue. Here is how I discovered it.

While simply using Chrome to browse the net, I noticed very laggy and slow performance. I checked everything and even restarted to no avail. I decided to check the properties in windows and low and behold, instead of reading the normal 2.8Ghz for both CPU's, it read 1 at 2.8Ghz and the other at 1.2Ghz. I restarted and went into the BIOS and the CPU temps were at 88C! I quickly backed out and shut down.

I checked all internals and started back up...temps reading around 29-37C. I backed out and loaded into Windows and the CPU is reading back at normal speeds...2.8Ghz. No problems. Days go by and it happens again.

So something is going on during post or it could be a hardware issue. I'm confused. Sometimes I startup with zero problems and the PC operates fine for days while under varying loads and others, at startup, one core is clocked down and temp are high. Restarting does not fix. Complete shutdown and cold start does.

Any ideas?