Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: eyupo92 on May 10, 2017, 11:25:21 pm

Title: GA-Z170-HD3P:BIOS NVMe Disk Size Problem when two NVMe disks are attached
Post by: eyupo92 on May 10, 2017, 11:25:21 pm
If there are more than one NVMe disks connected, BIOS "Peripherals-> NVMe controller and Drive information" menu item shows wrong information.

In short, the first NVMe disk size is reported correctly, but the size for second NVMe disk is reported as ( size of disk 1 + size of disk 2 ). If there were three NVMe disks connected, most probably their sizes would be added on top each other. I did not try that, but you can / must try that case too.

In all cases I attached, MyDigitalSSD BPX 120 GB is attached on motherboard m.2 socket, the other NVMe disk is attached through Asus Hyper M.2 PCIe card installed in second PCIe x16 slot.

nvmeproblem01.jpg shows when only MyDigitalSSD BPX 120 GB is attached to m.2 socket. BPX size is reported as 120 GB.

nvmeproblem02.jpg shows when MyDigitalSSD BPX 120 GB is attached to m.2 socket and a second MyDigitalSSD BPX 120 GB is attached to PCIe slot. BPX size is reported as 240 GB.

nvmeproblem03.jpg shows when MyDigitalSSD BPX 120 GB is attached to m.2 socket and a second Lenovo 512 GB NVMe is attached to PCIe slot. BPX size is reported as 632 GB.

nvmeproblem04.jpg shows when MyDigitalSSD BPX 120 GB is attached to m.2 socket and a second Samsung 256 GB NVMe is attached to PCIe slot. BPX size is reported as 376 GB.

Windows reports size of each NVMe disk correctly and uses them correctly. What is displayed in BIOS NVMe menu is faulty.
Title: Re: GA-Z170-HD3P:BIOS NVMe Disk Size Problem when two NVMe disks are attached
Post by: eyupo92 on May 10, 2017, 11:28:33 pm
Here are the two remaining BIOS screenshots.

BIOS is the latest: F21.
Title: Re: GA-Z170-HD3P:BIOS NVMe Disk Size Problem when two NVMe disks are attached
Post by: shadowsports on May 12, 2017, 08:28:14 am
Incorrect reporting of disk size/capacity is a common by-product of chipset incompatibility.

Its likely the board or BIOS doesn't like the chipset on your adapter card.
Title: Re: GA-Z170-HD3P:BIOS NVMe Disk Size Problem when two NVMe disks are attached
Post by: shadowsports on May 15, 2017, 12:11:09 am
Incorrect reporting of disk size/capacity is a common by-product of chipset incompatibility.

Its likely the board or BIOS doesn't like the chipset on your adapter card.

Should also add that using non QVL drives can also yield unexpected behavior.