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Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Sarra on May 27, 2017, 08:13:43 am

Title: GA-H97-D3H Windows 8.1 driver problems
Post by: Sarra on May 27, 2017, 08:13:43 am
I have a GA-H97-D3H motherboard, socket 1150, with Intel i5 CPU. I just reinstalled windows, and to my ultimate joy, Windows cannot find my SM Bus driver off Windows Update.

I followed the instructions on Gigabyte's driver center, and got it to 'work', but it doesn't actually work. It lists several items, and none of them are for my actual board. I downloaded the items and ran them manually, and every single one gives the error 'this device not supported'.

After many hours of searching, I have yet to find a way to actually get drivers for this board, and without them, I cannot TRIM my SSD's in RAID 0.

On top of this, the audio driver that the website serves up is around 2 years out of date. It's a version 68xx driver, and I actually have a version 8036 driver installed.

So, short of getting a board made from another manufacturer, what options do I have?
Title: Re: GA-H97-D3H Windows 8.1 driver problems
Post by: absic on May 27, 2017, 12:27:04 pm
Before downloading updates check which revision your motherboard is. If you are not sure you can find it printed on the motherboard itself in the lower left hand corner and it will be: Rev1.0 or Rev 1.1

If your board is Rev 1.0 then go here for drivers:

If it is Rev 1.1 then go here:

Select which version of Windows 8.1 you are using (32 or 64 bit) from the drop down menu and all drivers for your motherboard and OS will be there.
Title: Re: GA-H97-D3H Windows 8.1 driver problems
Post by: autotech on May 27, 2017, 11:00:26 pm
Also I didn't know you could trim SSD drives when using them in raid 0
Title: Re: GA-H97-D3H Windows 8.1 driver problems
Post by: shadowsports on May 27, 2017, 11:38:46 pm
Also I didn't know you could trim SSD drives when using them in raid 0

Me either  ??? ...  but it looks like MS snuck support in on 7 series and later chipsets, NTFS FS running IRST drivers 11.2 or >      windows 7, 8, 10

I'm still running Anniversary (1607) on my Z97 and didn't realize it was enabled or supported now  8)

But >fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify          shows its there.  :)  The garbage collection in the disks firmware does an equally good job in my opinion.

@Sarra, Absic's driver suggestion should be your first choice.

That failing.  In the case of multiple (duplicate) device detections in DM, I often delete them and the .inf drivers for them as well, then restart and install the latest chipset drivers directly from Intel's website.   You might want to grab these before performing the above steps as deleting chipset drivers might cause other devices to fail or stop working on restart.

Title: Re: GA-H97-D3H Windows 8.1 driver problems
Post by: Sarra on June 01, 2017, 08:27:28 am
Alrighty, thanks a lot for the suggestions so far.

I'm still not getting TRIM to work, but I'm also having issues with the newest of the Intel drivers. Intel's website is having a fit, or my browser is, or something. I click the links on their website for specific drivers, and the page for download doesn't actually load.

I think the Intel RST driver is the only thing holding me back. I'm going to try downloading it at work, if my boss will give me the okay.

Just glad I have this running with Windows 8.1 again.
Title: Re: GA-H97-D3H Windows 8.1 driver problems
Post by: shadowsports on June 01, 2017, 04:18:05 pm
Yes, you must have IRST version 11.2 or later for TRIM support in RAID (windows OS)