Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: wh173 on January 08, 2018, 03:06:53 am

Title: Question regarding dual bios.
Post by: wh173 on January 08, 2018, 03:06:53 am
I was wondering,

On z170 motherboards with dualbios, when you sucessfully update the bios, the backup bios does also get updated? dualbios claims to work to protect against bios updates what fail half way, how does that work? It updates itself after a sucessfull boot with a newer bios? or not at all?

My question is that because otherwise, if it doesnt, how would a Z170 board with an old backup bios be able to boot up a kaby lake?

Thanks, i havent found a clear answer to this on my own.
Title: Re: Question regarding dual bios.
Post by: shadowsports on January 09, 2018, 04:01:12 am
Based on the information I've gathered and my own experience, on boards without BIOS switches, the back up BIOS chip is synchronized with the main BIOS chip when it is flashed.

If the board has 2 switches, single/dual BIOS and BIOS 1 / 2 switches, its possible to have 2 different BIOS revs on the same board if the BIOS switches are set to single BIOS and BIOS 1 or 2 is flashed.  Its possible to manually synchronize those chips using ALT+F10 with the BIOS switch set to Dual.  In that case the chip you start the machine with will be the BIOS rev that is synchronized to the other chip.  The same rules apply in these cases when you flash to a BIOS rev that does not allow downgrade.  If you do this and attempt to flash to an earlier revision, one chip could become bricked.  Maintaining two BIOS revs is less common that it used to be.   I personally do not recommend it.  Gigabyte has moved away from switches since the older UD lines.   
Title: Re: Question regarding dual bios.
Post by: wh173 on January 10, 2018, 09:41:53 pm

my ga-z170n-wifi with the f20c uefi, doesnt have any physical switches, and if something happens to the main uefi chip,  the backup wil also have the f20c necessary to boot the 7700k?

Any way to even check that? I did ask gigabyte support a couple of days ago, no anwer yet.