Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Hostile_MC on July 20, 2010, 09:36:50 am

Title: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on July 20, 2010, 09:36:50 am
Hey everybody, I'm having the disappearing RAM problem that a heap of people seem to be having with this socket. Have 6GB installed, but on a cold boot windows says 6 are installed, but only 4 total are useable in performance manager. Rebooting after reseating the RAM or wiggling it solves the issue, and it generally fixes it for a day or so until the next time I boot after a period of disuse.

Got the X58A-UD3R Rev 1.0 with the latest bios.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
i7 930
Patriot Signature Line DDR3 1600MHz

Ran memtest on all RAM sticks, collectively and individually for a long period of time. No errors were found. Reseated the cpu, cpu fan etc. Checked for bent pins, didn't find any.

Funny thing is my friend has the exact same problem. He has the same setup except for RAM, which is G.Skill 2000MHz or something along those lines. Same issue, reseating the RAM fixes it for a day or so, then on a cold boot the issue occurs again. What do you think my next course of action should be? RMA the motherboard? RMA the CPU? Any advice would be awesome guys.

Found lots of threads relating to this issue on other forums, with a lot of people having heaps similar problems, where some were fixed with BIOS rollbacks or fixing bent pins, and then others haven't found a fix. I'm one of those who haven't found a fix. One guy had RMA'd his RAM, his CPU and his motherboard twice and was still getting the same problem. Just thought I'd raise the issue myself on the Gigabyte forums.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 20, 2010, 09:54:12 am
Yes there do seem to be a lot of instances of this problem but the interesting thing is that they seem to be spread out across several platforms, on both AMD an Intel boards.

Actually from your description it sounds like you could have a dodgy ram socket. Is it always the same socket that you have to "wiggle" the module in? Maybe you should try using one module at a time and try different sockets as far as possible to eliminate this possibility.

Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on July 20, 2010, 02:31:23 pm
I generally wiggle them all to sort it out. It only happens once a day, and I've no way of replicating the problem at will, so I have to wait 24 hours before my next test if you get me so I haven't had a chance to test individual ram slots.

What's the easiest way to check which slot isn't being picked up? That way I can swap the RAM, and find out the next day if it's the same slot. If it is the slot, would you recommend RMAing the board or what?
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 20, 2010, 02:40:24 pm
At this present moment I think it would probably be a futile exercise as it would be a complete guess. You could try it but it is quite possible that after the board change you would be back at square one.

You could use CPU-Z to look at the memory. You can download the free version from here:
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on July 21, 2010, 04:35:21 am
Yeah I've had CPU-Z the whole time, and it has always said that the RAM is there. Even Windows detects that its there, it says in system information that there are 6GB installed but only 4 GB total.

I had a look in the BIOS last time that it happened, and had a look at the RAM timings, where you can alter them for channel A, B, and C. Under channel C it just had a bunch of dashes instead of numbers next to the timings. I'm not exactly sure, but the channels represent the the three channels of the tri-channel memory yeah? It looks like an entire channel isn't working, rather than a single stick, so 1 third of every stick maybe which adds up to the same amount as if one stick wasn't registering. Am I totally on the wrong track?
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 21, 2010, 08:53:10 am
Sorry you are wrong about how it works. If you set it up to three channels each stick is one channel and that is probably why if it isn't seeing one module it is reporting only 4Gb rather than the full 6Gb. The surprising thing is though how Windows can see it all but cant access it. If the BIOS couldn't see it (eg because of faulty slot) then neither would Windows. It is interesting however that in the BIOS the channel C was only showing a line of dashes.
Yeah I've had CPU-Z the whole time, and it has always said that the RAM is there. Even Windows detects that its there, it says in system information that there are 6GB installed but only 4 GB total.
Have you checked under the SPD tab to see how much it shows for each channel though?
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on July 21, 2010, 10:16:21 am
Fair enough. Will check again if it happens tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on July 23, 2010, 03:36:22 am
It all looks good under the SPD tab, says its all there. Still says 4 gig total in task manager. BIOS has the line of dashes still too.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 23, 2010, 11:47:36 am
It doesn't make sense really does it? One program sees it all and another one doesn't. Ithink I would RMA the board and see if another one is better or they can find some problem with your board.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: TommyTV on July 24, 2010, 05:56:00 pm
Just found the problem on my board (although I've replaced it) A misaligned pin in the processor socket. I needed a magnifier to see how it works - the pins are slightly 'sprung' and this pin had moved out of alignment. Surprisingly evrything was working fine apart from dissapeared RAM. POST said 4Gb instead of 6Gb (installed) and BIOS showed dashes apart from one value in Channel A.Windows 7 said 6Gb installed but 4Gb available. Crazy!
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 24, 2010, 05:59:35 pm
Well at least you managed to find a sensible reason for it. I hate it when things are left up in the air and you don't ever find out why.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on July 26, 2010, 03:29:00 am
Did you RMA it or replace it yourself? I've read that Gigabyte don't accept RMAs if the pins are bent? Might have to have another look at mine with a magnifying glass to see if that could be my problem too as I've had the same issues you're describing.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 26, 2010, 07:52:14 am
Actually Gigabyte are very fair when it comes to repairing/replacing motherboards. There have been instances on the forum here where people have had a board with bent pins replaced. 8)
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on July 26, 2010, 09:31:30 am
If they choose not to RMA, would you suggest bending the pins back myself? I read about another guy who did and it solved his issues.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 26, 2010, 09:36:05 am
It really depends on how badly they are bent but if the manufacturer won't accept the board back for RMA then what have you got to lose? If you are careful and use a small pair of tweezers and magnifying glass it is not a terrible job.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: jockc on August 09, 2010, 06:06:01 am
As reported in another thread, after many days of checking for bent pins, faulty memory sticks etc, I was pointed in the direction of BIOS Ver FB16 for my UD3R  and it appears to have fixed the lost memory problem (12GB - 10GB usable).   After 3 days of running FB16 and several reboots, the BIOS and Windows7 continue to see the full 12GB.

I was always of the opinion that the issue was not a hardware fault and this BIOS update appears to support that theory.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 09, 2010, 07:45:52 am
Thanks for posting that update I am sure that there are many members who will benefit from it as it was becoming a substantial problem. 8)
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on August 22, 2010, 12:46:02 am
Hey guys looks like this bios update could be a winner, having trouble installing it though. Says it is incompatible with my version of windows, and that I need either the 32bit or 64bit versions. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit. I had this same issue when trying to rollback my bios. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on August 22, 2010, 12:48:30 am
Ahh sorry guys scratch that, just discovered the Qflash utility. :)
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 08:11:08 am
Yes, just go int the BIOS or press the "END" key as you are booting to go straight to it.  8)
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on August 24, 2010, 12:02:39 pm
Well the new BIOS seems to have solved the issue. It hasn't failed to detect all 6 gig since the update. Had a couple of random crashes since then though. A bit odd.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 24, 2010, 12:05:38 pm
That's a good start anyway. Problem one solved. If you keep getting crashes, post again and we will see what we can figure out. 8)
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on September 23, 2010, 09:57:18 am
Forgot to mention this but I rolled back to the previous BIOS after about two weeks of random crashes. Was happening fairly regularly, but after rolling back the crashes have stopped, but now I have the missing RAM issue again. :(
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 23, 2010, 10:01:55 am
This is a common downside to BIOS flashing, you swap one problem for another. Personally I would reflash to the later BIOS version and then try and figure out what was causing the crashes.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on September 24, 2010, 09:25:21 am
Yeah just reflashed it last night. Turn on the computer today and it randomly crashed/reset itself. On restart it was fine for a few seconds and then Steam crashed and had to close itself for no apparent reason. Explorer crashed randomly just before. No idea how to begin tackling this.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 24, 2010, 09:32:42 am
How have you set up your memory in the BIOS? Was it a one complete kit or two seperate kits?
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on September 24, 2010, 09:37:23 am
One kit, three 2 gig sticks. I couldn't even begin to tell you how I set up the memory in the BIOS as I've not touched it at all. Are you talking about messing around with timings etc or what? Not massively versed in that side of things.

Thanks for all the replies by the way!
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 24, 2010, 09:43:11 am
If you have not changed any settings how are you running your memory at 1600Mhz?

Another thing I picked up from your posting in another thread was that you
Tried to determine whether there were bent pins but i couldn't tell with the magifying glass I had.
this isn't goood enough, you have to be sure 100%. I suggest that you take several macro photos in good light from different angles and post them here for us to check.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on September 24, 2010, 01:48:24 pm
Yeah I didn't think I needed to change my settings to run my my memory at 1600Mhz. Just flashed to the new version, and altered the multiplyer or whatever so its at 1600 now. Honestly never knew I had to do that.

As far as the pins go, how should I take a macro photo? Will any kind of camera do or what?
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 24, 2010, 02:00:17 pm
Any decent digital camera should do as long as it has a macro(close up) setting.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on September 24, 2010, 02:10:55 pm
Alright will give it a shot. Hopefully I've just been a massive noob and setting that s*** to 1600Mhz will solve all my problems though. Shall find out tomorrow on the cold boot.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on September 28, 2010, 05:22:02 am
Just noticed that with the old bios, whenever I set the RAM to run at 1600Mhz, one of the sticks stops working. When I set the multiplyer to auto it drops down to 1066 and it works again.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 28, 2010, 10:17:52 am
Sounds like you have one stick of memory that isn't up to the job. Did you buy them as a matching set? Anyway RMA them and get a replacement.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Hostile_MC on September 28, 2010, 11:10:23 am
Yeah they came as a set. It's odd because I've ran memtest stuff a few times on them and nothing came up. Oh well, hope it solves it.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R Disappearing RAM Issue (4 of 6 GB detected)
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 28, 2010, 11:37:00 am
Did you run Memtest86+ on the memory when it was running at 1600 Mhz or at the standard setting?