Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 06:29:42 pm

Title: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 06:29:42 pm
the board still ok for 1 month, and now no start, i try with other psu, othe cpu, ther memory, other vga, NO GO, always 88, if i start the board without ALL, no cpu, no ram, no vga, the same code, 88, with a spekear, any sound, is mute.. whats going on??

Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 07:15:01 pm
I would suspect that you possibly have a short to ground on the motherboard. I would advise removing the board from the case and trying to build it up outside. Lay the board on some cardboard or similar and try with just the barest of components.
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 07:46:47 pm
I remove the board from the case, i on a the motherboard box, and the same , i try all, change cpu, ram, vga and psu, and all this components works fine in other ud7, is posible switch to bios backup ?? because maybe is bios problem, bios bad. i dont know which is the problem, i remove the battery 24hs , with nothing on the board, and dont works

any advice??

Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 08:01:49 pm
Can you clarify the motherboard for me is it the GA-X58A-UD7 and if so what revision is it?
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 08:11:55 pm
sure. sorry, it ud7 x58 rev 1.0

Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 08:14:51 pm
sure. sorry, it ud7 x58 rev 1.0

Sorry there is no such board. Please check my previous post and see if this is the board you have.
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 08:23:00 pm
x58a-ud7, rev 1.0
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 08:25:00 pm
No still no such board. Check on the board itself or the box it came in if you still have it. You can't get away with editing your post ::)
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 08:35:59 pm
i have the board in my had, is the GA-X58A-UD7, REV 1.0

S/N : AG2272-XXXXX
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 08:43:39 pm
That's better (and it is no good modifying your previous post to make it right ;)) it is the board I said.
Ok now we can get on.
You have to have the CPU and cooler fitted or it definitely won't work. So fit that and the buzzer and the PSU and see if it tries to POST.
Can you give us a list of your hardware including your PSU?
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 08:48:22 pm
the cpus that i try is: 980x / 930 / 920 c0
Psu : Ocz 850 gameXstream and other 500w ocz, because my enermax 1250 and tt 1000 dont work with this
ram : king hyper x 2000mhz, gskill 2200 c7, gskill 2000 c8
vga, 480gtx / 460gtx / 5830

the board with any hard plug ( cpu, mem, video ) make the same code, 88
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 08:52:27 pm
Firstly the board should work with any of those high end PSUs. They are all good quality and plenty powerfull enough.
Secondly are you using the default BIOS settings or are you overclocking anything?
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 09:01:14 pm
the board works great with overclocking sett, with 980x at 4.0ghz 24/7 with WC on cpu, works ok , the problem was when i plug the 2nd card for make sli of gtx 480. when i put the second card, this problem start, and i cant fix it
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 09:06:11 pm
If you are trying to run two 480 cards in SLI and a high end overclocked processor on that board with the other usual hardware you will need at least the TT1000w PSU. Anything less is going to be struggling.  :o
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 09:12:34 pm
never start the board, and when i put the second vga, i replace the ocz 850 for st1500 of silverstone, and never star the board , and the psu st1500 works perfectly, in OTHER ud7 board that i have in here
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 09:29:10 pm
If what you say is correct then the only way to prove whether the board is faulty or not is to clear the CMOS and then load BIOS optimised default settings with a basic configuration of CPU/cooler, RAM, buzzer and 1500w PSU. See what beep codes it produces and post back.
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 09:48:24 pm
I cant do that u say, because the motherboard DONT START, only show me 88 code , i cant go into a bios and load bios default, THE BOARD DONT POST,with any cpu, any vga, any ram any nothing. Is any way to star the board with the BK bios, ( 2nd bios ) ??? i remove the battery for 24 hs, and no way,

Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 09:54:58 pm
You don't need to go into the BIOS to clear the CMOS memory. That is done without any power to the board at all. Remove the motherboard battery and leave for ten minutes at least.
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 09:57:51 pm
i do this, but dont WORKs, any other way??? is possible swith to the bk bios?? maybe is bios corrupt, i dont know, i dont know what can i do

Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 10:01:45 pm
If the main BIOS becomes corrupt the backup BIOS should take over automatically next time you boot. When you said you did this regarding the CMOS did you remove the PSU from the motherboard as well as the onboard battery?
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 10:21:15 pm
yes, i remove the PSU from the board ( both conectores, 8p and 24p ), remove cpu, ram, vga, ALL, leave only the motherboard WITHOUT the battery for 24hs, and dont work, after 24hs, i put a cpu, all and show me 88 code, if i start the board with any hard plug ( cpu or mem or vga ), only the PSU conected, show me 88 code TOO
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 10:34:40 pm
There is only one other thing to check as far as I can see and that is to make sure that none of the pins in the CPUI socket on the motherboard are bent. You will probably need a magnifying glass as they are extremely small but we have had a few instances recently so it is worth checking.
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 10:38:37 pm
yes, i check the socket when this problem start, an it is PERFECTLY health, no pin bent!!! and no physical damage on the board, the board is perfectly ..

Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 10:43:47 pm
In that case I can't think of anything else to try. I think you will have to RMA the board.
Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: sangon on August 22, 2010, 10:45:33 pm
ok , tks for all

Title: Re: x58 ud7 DONT START, only 88 CODE
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 10:46:52 pm
No problem, sorry I couldn't help more. Good luck. ;)