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Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: timanth on August 22, 2010, 11:52:40 pm

Title: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: timanth on August 22, 2010, 11:52:40 pm
This isn't exactly a problem, per se. Well, not yet, anyways, I just want to know what this means and how I can fix it if possible.

A few days ago I installed a Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500 GB and loaded Windows 7 Pro X64 onto it, making it my new system drive instead of what I'd been using before (although the old drive is still in computer for data storage).

I forgot to tweak the power options in Windows so the computer went to sleep after awhile. When I woke it up, everything worked as normal, but the power LED started blinking really, really slowly. Since then, every time I've started my computer, everything works fine but the Power LED continues to blink very slowly. It should be noted that the blinking only starts when it begins to load Windows 7 from the HDD.

Any help/advice would be appreciated! Thank you.
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 22, 2010, 11:57:36 pm
The only thing that springs to mind straight away is that maybe you have connected the power LED up to the wrong connections on the motherboard. So I should check that first.  ;)
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: timanth on August 23, 2010, 12:31:31 am
Well, it's a 2-pin LED connector, although the motherboard actually has 3 pins for the LED. Assuming the printed labels on the connectors aren't lying, I connected (+) to (+) and (-) to (-).

It should also be noted that this didn't happen while I was running Windows XP on the same build before. Thanks!
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: timanth on August 23, 2010, 01:24:55 am
Update: It seems to have an interval of 6 seconds. It would be on for 6, then off for 6, repeating. This interval seems to be slower than the standard S1 sleep blinking.
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: timanth on August 23, 2010, 02:58:14 am
Update: Opening dynamic energy saver and turning off the phase LED causes the power LED to stay constantly on. I am not sure if this is a feature in the newest GEST. Do you know?
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 23, 2010, 07:46:21 am
If you check out page 26 of your manual it explains the connnections for the on/off switch and how they work. You will notice that two of the connectors are marked - (negative)

I am not sure how the dynamic energy saver works because I don't like any of these types of programs that are given away free with motherboards. They tend to cause more problems than enough  :(
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: timanth on August 23, 2010, 07:51:09 am
Thanks for the prompt reply Mantis. I understand that, and I did connect the one positive connector to the one positive pin, and the negative connector to one of the negative pins. That wasn't the issue.

I think it's the Dynamic Energy Saver program that's screwing with it, so I've turned off the phase LEDs and hope that will fix the problem.
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 23, 2010, 08:03:50 am
I realise that and I wouldn't be surprised if it was the prograsm that screwed things up ::) However there are three connectors on the motherboard and I am not sure because of lack of information but I am assuming if there are three it is for a purpose and maybe you are using the wrong negative connector. There is obviously some difference or they wouldn't have put two different ones there. Try using the other neg.
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: timanth on August 23, 2010, 08:27:30 am
Tried that, didn't work. I'm assuming there are 2 negatives there because some power lights have three-hole connectors instead of the 2 that my case came with.
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 23, 2010, 08:36:01 am
Well apart from getting rid of Dynamic Energy Saver I don't have any other advice I'm afraid.  :-\
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: timanth on August 23, 2010, 09:02:28 am
Thanks for all your help. as long as it's not harming my PC, I'm ok with the Phase LEDs being off sicne they're inside my pitch black case anyways ;)
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 23, 2010, 09:57:47 am
Just read you post again and as a matter of interest did you format your old drive before installing the OS on your new drive?
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: timanth on August 23, 2010, 09:15:00 pm
I did not. I installed the new OS, then formatted the old drive.
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 23, 2010, 09:17:22 pm
OK probably wouldn't make any difference which way round you did it as long as it was done. Just clutching at straws :-\
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: timanth on August 23, 2010, 10:10:09 pm
Again, as long as it's not harming my computer, I really don't care that much. Thanks for all your help Mantis! :)
Title: Re: GA-EP35-DS3L: Blinking Power LED but Computer is Running
Post by: Dark Mantis on August 23, 2010, 10:12:54 pm
You are welcome and if you have any more probl;ems come back to the site. Good luck.