Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Graceman on August 28, 2010, 12:19:31 am
I have found this site very useful and have already implemented cures for some of my problems.
System is Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R board REv 1.0 with F5 Bios loaded.
Seagate Barracuda HDD 500 GB set as IDE on sata 0
Crucial Ram 1600 now running on XMP setting thanks to this site. Profile 1 (Noisy Board stopped being noisy) 6Gb triple memory config.
Corsair 400 Watt PSU
Asus ATO Radeon 4350 Grphic card.
Intel I7-930 chip with stock cooler cpu runs at 43 c.
Occasionaly I get a lock up freeze of teh system where the only thing I can move is the cursot every thing else is dead nothing works the cursor is the hourglass which points to something running in back ground. Only way out of this is power down from on/off switch.
HDD light s off or occasional flash.
Hello and welcome to the forum.
The first thing that strikes me from your list of parts is that your PSU is very underpowered. Whether that is having a bearing on this problem I am not sure yet.
First thing I would suggest is that you check your stock cooler. Make sure it is firmly fixed down at all four corners. This is a common problem.
Can you post what OS you are running too please?
Hi Mantis
I am running XP Pro it was on the HDD and I had to recover it as it would not boot and nothing I did worked so run the install CD and did a recovery/repair install. Even Barte PE did not help me this time.
Its seemingly worked and all my data and programs are intact.
However I have a suspicion that the drivers as loaded in Xp original install are in conflict with current new drivers. The recovery was to SP2 but have now run Windows update and have Sp 3 & Ie8 loaded and runniong ok
I did before I stated this build look at the Power requirements and it looked like this PSU would be ok.
I ranthe Gigabyte install cd for chip set drivers and utilities and had a problem with thechipset drivers as it did not want to load and the itel download still fails to load but the Gigabyte CD now reports the chip set drivers as Installed which is odd.
I am trying to find where in the system the driver software is loaded so I can remove & re install
If I am reading your post right you used a previously written hard disk to boot your newly built computer, is that correct?
If so then you are on a hiding to nothing and I am surprised that you even got it to boot at all. You will need to make backups of your important data and then format the drive and do a clean install of windows. I would suggest that you start from a clean slate and clear the CMOS and load BIOS optimised default settings first.
I do have a new HDD but I really need the installed software from the current Hdd as the EOL of some of it makes it impossible to get new install codes. I like you support some software and old copies are invaluable to my help ability .
It does seem I have everything running ok but for some small issues which through this site I have managed to get corrected. (And some intuitive work on my behalf).
This freeze up issue is one of them but I think I might have solved it as since turning on the XMP settings for the memory its not done it but early days yet its only been clear today. Might also be the C1E setting I have also disabled.
Yes for some reason often disabling the power saving settings in the BIOS will make the machine more stable.
Well it kinda has a logic as any electrical device creates an electrical field and this can influence surronding equipment if electrically noisy, so f the power supply is noisy then why would it not effect a sesitive CPU device. I have had to deal with these things before but not at this level.
So lets wait and see I think its cured and all is related. Will now start on next issue.
I look forward to the next installment Graceman ;)
Last hour run memtest 4, with 6 instances of the program at the same time each looking at 500 mb of memory for each test and Cpu runs at 57 c reported by easy tune and at the same time time typing this.
So far no errors or odd freeze up or anything at all it just runs.
What do you think ?
Well from my experience the best test you can give a PC is to use it every day ;D If it will stand that what more can you ask of it? Sometimes we get lost in the testing and configuring and forget what we built the machines for! ;) Just enjoy.