Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Graceman on September 05, 2010, 12:58:45 pm

Title: Device Drivers Issue
Post by: Graceman on September 05, 2010, 12:58:45 pm
I have been looking through all the device drivers and whilst most now seem to have the latest 2009 & 2010 dates four do not and that makes me suspicious.

Intel(r) 82801 PCI Bridge 244E (pci.sys)
Microsoft UAA Bus driver for High definition Audio
Microsoft Windows management Interface for ACPI
Motherboard Resorces

The dates for these are  all 2001 and one 2004 which is what makes me think that an upgrade would be helpful.
Does anyone know what these are and especially the motherboard resources driver which is most interesting haveing installed new GA-X58A-UD3R Rev 1.0 motherboard.
Title: Re: Device Drivers Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 05, 2010, 01:03:46 pm
You don't say where you were finding these device drivers. On your system, the motherboard disk, the web?
Title: Re: Device Drivers Issue
Post by: Graceman on September 05, 2010, 01:20:39 pm
I was using the Device manager and under view setting the Devices by connection then expanding the first selection for multiprocessor then PCI bus.
Here you can see all teh devices and their drivers as installed and fromteh web I downloaded latest chipset drivers and then went through checking.
The install Cd did not load. and teh intel driver fromweb will not load but from here I can update drivers.

Did not get much help from gigabyte waited three weeks and all they said was try a clean install of XP. But that will wipe everything .
If I can update driver from the device selection why does the chipset install fail? (Probably because the drivers are wrong on the CD)
Title: Re: Device Drivers Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 05, 2010, 01:23:13 pm
Tell me if I have got it wrong but is this a new build that you are running your XP installation on?
Title: Re: Device Drivers Issue
Post by: Graceman on September 05, 2010, 01:40:44 pm
yes its a new build
New motherboard and ram old HDD with recovered repair install XP Pro, so I retained all my programs & data and all now tested  &  running ok.
6Gb ram all now functional thanks to your help in diagnosing the bent pins.
No noise thanks to the issue here on this forum diagnosing cure.

I just want to make sure I have everything correct and running at its best prior to trying to overclock which is something I have not ever attempted.
Title: Re: Device Drivers Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 05, 2010, 01:49:14 pm
Congratulations! Most people wouldn't have got this far with an old installation of the OS on a new build. ;) Without being flippant that is your basic problem you have all the remanants of your previous system clashing with your new. In the long run my best advice would be to back up any programs/data that you want to keep and then format and do a fresh install of your OS. Not only will it make it more stable it will clean out all the junk and make it much faster. A few hours spent now will save a lot more in the future. Don't forget to install the motherboard drivers first.
Title: Re: Device Drivers Issue
Post by: Graceman on September 05, 2010, 03:17:41 pm
If I start from scratch I lose four of my help desk programs I cannot get installed again. on this disc its all working and licensed. I do not generally find recovering HDD or swapping them from PC to PC an issue. Its just these four drivers that puzzle me.

Everything is running ok and stable atthe moment. I only have the issue because of the dates of the files. they may in fact be current as they look like the XP installed files.

The HDD was new in the old machine which fried the mother board due to install of faulty power supply. I cloned it from a 120Gb HDD to the new Seagate HDD using Seagate's disc wizard (Acronis) and it runs just fine.

I was just considering booting from USB using Bartpe to try and sort this what do you think.
Title: Re: Device Drivers Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 05, 2010, 03:25:02 pm
If you can get it to run stably then I guess that there is no problem except for the clutter you will have built up along the way.
As you say the old files are probably just the original XP files and haven't been updated.
Although I know of BartPE I have no personal experience with it so it would be unfair of me to comment.
Title: Re: Device Drivers Issue
Post by: Graceman on September 05, 2010, 05:42:14 pm
BartPe allows the PC to be booted into windows off a USB stick. and from there mount the HDD and manipulate files which cannot be manipulated when the HDD is booted. Its great at getting rid of any Virus if you get one.

Title: Re: Device Drivers Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 05, 2010, 05:57:47 pm
Thanks for the description, it was pretty much what I thought. I use a bootable cd in similar circumstances.