Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with AMD processors => Topic started by: vybzshakur on September 26, 2010, 05:02:54 am

Title: Questions On My New Build .. Help
Post by: vybzshakur on September 26, 2010, 05:02:54 am
My Parts So far...

GigaByte 890gpa-ud3h
1055t phenom
corsair xms 8gb dual channel
corsair 750watt psu
coolermaster storm
need help on grapics card decission
 i want a gtx 460 or 5850

preferbly the gtx.. does any know of this build working or have any ideads

and another idea i had.. the 5850 with a gts 450 dedicated for physx... using a hybrid physx mod driver...

specs or anyone try any bench marks with these? thanks a million ...

PC soldiers
Title: Re: Questions On My New Build .. Help
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 26, 2010, 10:16:46 am
I have just replied to your other post on the same theme. Please don't double post as it can get confusing. Just stick to one thread. ;)
Title: Re: Questions On My New Build .. Help
Post by: absic on September 26, 2010, 10:45:08 am
DM got there first but Double posting is not appreciated.

Wwaassuupp!! and welcome to the forum.
Personally I would recommend the 5850. It is a rock solid card compared to the 460 which seems to be having many problems at the moment. As to whether you can run one of each on the same motherboard singly I don't see why not but I must admiot this is absic's domain and he will know a lot more about the AMD foibles than me.

Although I have no first hand experience of doing so I would not want to run both an ATI and NVidia card on the same board, too many chances of driver conflicts. From what you are wanting to do I think your best option would be the GTX 460 as you state that you want the PhysX capabilities. Like DM I prefer the ATI option but I know that with certain Video Programmes the use of NVidia Graphics cards is preferred. The main issues you might encounter will be with NVidia's own drivers though, rather than incompatibility with the motherboard.

Hope this helps.