Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with AMD processors => Topic started by: soarwitheagles on September 26, 2010, 06:04:37 am
Hi again!
Just wanted to ask for some suggestions on the GPU for my new system that I hope to begin to build this week. I am on a somewhat limited budget. I do not do serious gaming. Yet, I would like a video card that does well for HD TV, movies, etc. I read somewhere that ATI [is that Radeon?] does better with AMD builds whereas Nvidia GeForce does better with Intel builds...
Decisions, decisions...
I do have a number of brand new GTS 250's hanging around. Will they work and will they still give me optimized performance on an AMD build [they've done ok on my Intel i5-750 build].
I'd appreciate any and all good advice on this matter.
Thanks everyone!
Gigabyte Community Forums rocks!
Hi Soar,
I really don't see why you would need to go and buy a new graphics card if you already have some 250s lying around. They should work fine and as you say you aren't a hardcore gamer. You could even put a couple in and SLI them if you wanted to but that would give you more noise and heat.
You do make me laugh though when you say "I am on a somewhat limited budget" and in the next sentence say "I do have a number of brand new GTX250s lying around." I wish I was on that limited a budget ;D
Hi there Soar,
As much as it pains me to say this, I have to agree with Dark Mantis! :o (Ouch, that hurt...... a LOT!!!)
I would normally recommend going for an ATI graphics card on the AMD platform as it is often the best solution in a new build but, as you already have some 250's knocking around you might as well use one. I wouldn't go down the path of using 2 in SLI mode though, as you really won't need to.
As much as it pains me to say this, I have to agree with Dark Mantis! (Ouch, that hurt...... a LOT!!!)
There, there, mate I am sure it's not something that will happen often ;)
Hi Soar,
I really don't see why you would need to go and buy a new graphics card if you already have some 250s lying around. They should work fine and as you say you aren't a hardcore gamer. You could even put a couple in and SLI them if you wanted to but that would give you more noise and heat.
You do make me laugh though when you say "I am on a somewhat limited budget" and in the next sentence say "I do have a number of brand new GTX250s lying around." I wish I was on that limited a budget ;D
I really enjoy the humor and excellent tech info here. You two never fail to put a smile on my face. Thanks for that.
Yes, limited budget and lots of cards laying around. Here's the scoop. When I see a wonderful deal on a component, I will purchase as many as I can, then resell each item at a profit. First time I did it [in the 90's] I found a killer deal on EMachine computers and purchased over 30 of them, then made a handsome profit.
Now I buy and sell to pay for my computer building hobby. This knocks the price way down to nearly free when I do a new build and I like too puts a smile on my face.
Last, I also like to give away stuff too. When I have an abundant excess, I can then afford to bless my friends too.
Thats the story behind having lots of the cards laying around...I've been too busy to Ebay or Craigslist these items. It does take time and effort to prepare the items for sale [photo, specs, nice write up, etc.]. Now I have two full weeks free from school and I will be selling again now.
Thanks again DM! You guys are the best!
Oh now I see it you are an "entrepreneur" ;D
DM, I don't know where you learnt your geography but Soar is an American not an entrepreneur!
That explains the "Fail" then (back in the time when they were allowed to fail kids) ;D
when they were allowed to fail kids ;D
Oh, so they allowed baby goats in your school! :o That explains a hell of a lot. :D
There was no discrimination back in those days. ;D
Oh now I see it you are an "entrepreneur" ;D
DM, Good deduction but no, I am simply a guy on a strict budget who likes to have somewhat faster toys than some and just cannot afford it!
SNAP! But I don't have your entrepreneurial skills so still can't afford it ;D
hi Soar..Never let it be said that we scots are mean..I would be glad to pay for the postage if you want to give a 250 away to a free home...hahahah
Very generous indeed Jannie ;) You sure your sporran will take it?
hi Soar..Never let it be said that we scots are mean..I would be glad to pay for the postage if you want to give a 250 away to a free home...hahahah
Ok, I'll trade you for your 1GB Gigabyte HD 5770!
You'd be much better off swapping for Jannie's SSD! ;)
I'll swap you for 2 pieces of used chewing gum and a bit of string! :P
What's this turning into...Swapshop? ;D
You'd be much better off swapping for Jannie's SSD! ;)
I'll swap you for 2 pieces of used chewing gum and a bit of string! :P
ummm, if you increase your swapping power to 3 pieces of used chewing gum, I'll consider it!