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Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with AMD processors => Topic started by: Anturus on October 13, 2010, 12:01:14 am

Title: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: Anturus on October 13, 2010, 12:01:14 am
Hi everyone,

ich have buyed a new Computer here are the Speccs :

beQuiet SilentPower E5-450 Watt
Sapphire Radeon HD5770
Athlon II X3 445
GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0
2x 2GB G.Skill F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ (on the verified list)
WD Caviar Blue 500 GB HD

I have the following Problem, i installed Win7 on the new maschine everything was fine. I used it the whole day (for games ...) The next day i started it and after startup i got some Errors from Applications not running properly, then i got some Bluescreens (Memory Management). After that i booted with linux boot cd and testet the Memory with Memtest86+ for 3 hours with 0 Errors. I than reinstalled Win 7. It ran fine for a day then the next day after startup the same problems occured. I then removed one Memory stick, now the system is running fine. I have stress tested it with 7 hours Prime95 with no errors.
I have set the bios to load safe defaults.

I don't unterstand the cause of the problems because the memory seems to be fine ( 3h Memtest & 10h of Use after first & second installation with no problems). Yes i know the Power Supply is a little too low according to the Manual, but i don't really believe thats the problem because it runs fine on maximum load with Prime95 or while playing games for hours and one Memory Stick can't take so much power.

Can i somehow run the system with 2 Modules but in Single Channel Mode ? I haven't found the BIOS Option for that.
The Bios sets the Memory to 1.6V but the Modules are specified for 1.5V do you think that can cause the Problem ?
Any ideas ?

Thanks for the help

Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: absic on October 13, 2010, 08:46:00 am
Hi there,

As a matter of interest what version of BIOS are you running on your board? It might be worth updating to the latest version F5A, as there have been a couple of BIOS updates that have addressed issues with the CPU and Memory. You can download that here:

Yes you can run your memory in single channel mode and on your motherboard you need to put your RAM into slots 1&3 or 2&4.
Dual channel mode is when you use slots 1&2 or 3&4 on the motherboard

The slight increase in voltage from 1.5 to 1.6 would, if anything, help but you can alter this setting under the M.I.T. section of BIOS if you are concerned.
Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: Anturus on October 13, 2010, 10:02:10 am
Hi, the BIOS Version is F2.
The Problem is i don't have a floppy drive, and i don't wan't to flash from windows with the Problems in mind. The System seams to be stable with one Memory stick but who knows that for sure ?  Is there a way to flash from a bootcd ? Or can i use Q-Flash with the file on an CD or the HDD ?
If that is not the case i will go out and buy me an floppy drive.

Btw thx for the fast reply
Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: absic on October 13, 2010, 10:06:48 am
You can flash BIOS using the QFlash utility and a USB stick. Check out the FAQ here for more info:,2441.0.html

If you have any questions after reading through the FAQ then just ask and we'll do our best to answer them for you.

Looking at the BIOS updates for your motherboard F3 actually seems to be addressing your problem. Later updates will include this so you can safely go to F5A.
Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: Anturus on October 13, 2010, 10:38:42 am
Ok i will flash it from a USB Stick i just wan't to ask if F5A has any important fixes. If thats not the case i would prefer to flash to F4 because F5A is a beta BIOS.

Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: absic on October 13, 2010, 11:46:54 am
From what I can see F5a provides updates for a new LAN version and ROM RAID.

There shouldn't be any issues with either F4 or F5A but I understand your caution when it comes to using a BETA BIOS however, when Gigabyte releases BETA versions of BIOS they are normally pretty solid ( I have been running a BETA BIOS on my own rig for a couple of months without a problem) so you don't need to worry if you decide to use it.
Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: Anturus on October 13, 2010, 09:21:33 pm

i flashed the Bios to F4 and tried it again, but i had a bluescreen at first startup.
Then i set the Memory Voltage to 1.5V but i had a bluescreen again.

Then i set the RAM to socket 1 and 3 and now it seems to work, so i guess its not stable in Dual Channel Mode.
I don't understand why because the modules are verified for Dual Channel  :'(. Do you think i should try it with 1066Mhz ?
But i think its not a huge Speed increase vs Single Channel 1333Mhz. Any ideas what i can do ? If not i think i must accept it an just leave it in single channel mode.
Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: absic on October 13, 2010, 09:54:03 pm

if you can run in single channel mode and not in dual channel mode then there could well be a problem with the CPU. The only way of knowing for sure is to try a different processor, if you have one, or RMA it and get a replacement.
Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: Anturus on October 14, 2010, 09:26:11 am
I want to give you an update :

This morning i had the same problems again with the 2 Modules in Single Channel.
It seems to happen not exclusivly but often after cold starts.
As it stands now the following happend :

RAM1+RAM2 Dual Channel --> unstable
RAM1+RAM2 Single Channel --> at fist stable but after cold start this morning Bluescreen
RAM1 --> seems to be stable no Bluescreen at anytime until now (no Bluescreen at cold start)
RAM2 --> ? I'm testing it now but have to wait for first cold start to know it for sure

So what do you think, is this enough to RMA the RAM ?
Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: absic on October 14, 2010, 10:13:39 am
So what do you think, is this enough to RMA the RAM ?

The problem could of course be with your PSU, I didn't realise that it is only 450 Watt and I don't think that it is really powerful enough to run your RIG especially with a 5770 ATI Graphics card. (I missed this when I read through your first post, sorry!  :-[ ) You should really be looking at a PSU with at least 600Watts and preferably with a single rail.

One way of testing this would be to disconnect the 5770 and try booting using the on-board graphics. If you try this, remember to make the necessary changes in BIOS before removing the 5770 or you won't get anything on your monitor. If the system BOOTS OK then it is more likely to be the PSU not supplying enough power, rather than any other component.
Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: Anturus on October 14, 2010, 11:16:02 am

i just removed the 5770 and booted with onboard graphis and Dual Channel RAM, until now it runs fine.
I hope the cold start tomorrow works. I think this could really be the problem, the CPU and Memory Tests never failed, because they are fine and the system is leeching too much power at first start and because of that its unstable.

Do you tink the Enermax Liberty Eco II with 720 Watts would be sufficient ? Or should i get something with more Power ?
Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: Anturus on October 14, 2010, 11:03:25 pm
I testet it without the Graphis Card, but the Problem remains after a cold start i got the Bluescreens again.
I will try to directly start Memtest86+ after the first start tomorrow.
Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: absic on October 15, 2010, 11:24:14 am

Double checking through the User's Manual fro your Motherboard it says:
To meet expansion requirements, it is recommended that a power supply that can withstand high
power consumption be used (500W or greater). If a power supply is used that does not provide
the required power, the result can lead to an unstable or unbootable system.

I think you are going to continue having problems until you get a stronger PSU as I mentioned earlier. The 500 Watt recommend in the Manual is really the minimum and with your 5770 Graphic Card I think that I owould be looking at a PSU of at least 650 Watt not the 600 Watt I suggested before.
Title: Re: GA-880GMA-UD2H Rev2.0 Memory Problems
Post by: Anturus on October 15, 2010, 09:23:57 pm

i think i have after long testing finally found the problem, its RAM2. I have just tried a cold start with this module alone (i never did that before) and got Bluescreen. So everything is clear now, because RAM1 works with a cold start the other Module seems to be faulty.
I wish i had some RAM to replace them for testing would have spared me a lot of work to finally find this.

Thx for the help, i will get new RAM kit on monday and after that everything is fine i hope.